New Grower New Grower (3rd Cycle) - Seedsman Purple Kush Auto 1:1 ({3L Actual} Pot Experiment)


Jun 7, 2020
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So I was recently looking at some of the grow battles and it seems like a good time. It didn't seem as though there were any that I could join in on anytime soon, so I reached out to my buddy to see if he wanted to go head to head. He is muuuch more casual with his garden, and as such is much more casual with his grows, so its not really a competition, just starting with a couple of constants, and introducing some variables to see what happens. His plant is in a 2 x 2 x 4 wooden cabinet with 2x Roleadro 300w lights. Mine is just getting thrown in the closet with my current grow, until I can make a space for it. I have a Viparspectra 600w that isnt being used right now, so it will eventually go under that so it doesnt get crowded out in the closet. They are each started from the same bag of seed, Seedsman Purple Kush Auto 1:1. I chose this strain because its what I had on hand and I have grown a few of them already. They are always beautiful and tasty, but never very big, so I felt it would be a better candidate for a 3L pot (#1). I would love to do it TLO, but that seems like a massive undertaking from a first time grow in this small of a pot especially considering most of my garden runs on dry amendments, top dressings, and teas. I am not sure if I can bubble my admix and use that like a liquid fertilizer, along with frequent topdressing, or if this is just not practical. I also have unopened bottles of EJ, and half empty bottles of FoxFarms, as well as a half dozen cheap pH and TDS meters.

So here is the question... What should I do?

I am leaning towards Fox Farms just because I understand EJ has quite an odor, and for an indoor grow it might be a bit much. Going with dry amendments and teas... I mean is that even possible? I have checked out the micro / solo cup grow sections here and while there is a lot of good information I couldnt find a comprehensive breakdown of what that might need to look like doing TLO with dry amendments which is what leaves me leaning towards the Fox Farms.

If I go that route I want to keep salts out of my main tray, so this girl will get her own tray. I am also unsure if I should be hitting her with the SSTs and AACTs my other plants get. My experience with salt based ferts is limited. I am under the impression there will be little to no soil biology to speak of, so I am unsure if it is just wasted effort trying to feed my soil. Ultimately I just want the healthiest crop, not the largest yield.

Another constant is they both went into the same soil mix, EB Stone Recipe 420 Bhang, this is left over for a couple new bagged mixes I wanted to check out. Mine had DTE Bio Live & Bio Fish added to it, my buddy may have put nothing, or may have used some Nutri Rich or Dr. Earth dry ferts. He has some old Emerald Harvest he might use as well.

So there it is. Thanks for stopping by. I'll post some pics when there is something worth looking at. I'll try to get him to send me his updates as well, he's not a grow journal kind of guy. Mine will be in with my closet grow until I build a small cabinet for it, the details of that grow can be found HERE.
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I will have to go back and re read this lol
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Sounds like fun, I wish I had a grow buddy,
If you're confident that PK will be small and quick I wouldn't stray from your normal, it'll be tough and you'll be watering daily but I'm sure you could pull it off, if you check my sig grow, threadmarks for lil' Mobstar, They were in 3L pots, soil and amendments, Didnt top dress or AACT, just waited for them to be hungry and supplemented a couple waterings with an organic based liquid nute, could have been better, I'm sure your routine will keep everything working better than I did,
Happy growing buddy :goodluck:
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Entry 2 popped a full 24hrs before Entry 1 (Names will be added, once he names his girl)

Entry 1:

Entry 2:
Sounds like fun, I wish I had a grow buddy,
If you're confident that PK will be small and quick I wouldn't stray from your normal, it'll be tough and you'll be watering daily but I'm sure you could pull it off, if you check my sig grow, threadmarks for lil' Mobstar, They were in 3L pots, soil and amendments, Didnt top dress or AACT, just waited for them to be hungry and supplemented a couple waterings with an organic based liquid nute, could have been better, I'm sure your routine will keep everything working better than I did,
Happy growing buddy :goodluck:

Thanks for the info, I think I am going to treat it like the rest of my plants, and just supplementally feed as needed, we'll see how it goes. If nothing else I'll establish a data point.

Man if you ever want to coordinate a grow let me know, I just love growing the same strain side by side and seeing how it comes out different for people. I'll be working on my the Anvil pheno hunt after the Daqiuiri Lime grow, but Im sure I can squeeze something in. I've been sitting on some Fastbuds CBD Crack, been wanting to check them out. Ive heard good things about Fastbuds overall.
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Entry 1: Kelly


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Entry 1: Kelly

She got topdressed with some alfalfa, malted barley, kelp etc. (the solids from my AACT) then got a splash of AACT and a splash of coconut water with AgSil. I am a little worried about having top dressed her so young, it was just incidental, as this little girl is on the same routine as my Daq Limes, but I figured worst case scenario is I learn not to...

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