Indoor New grow, roots organic vs kind soil

Added some General organics cal mag and ph'd the distilled water should clear up things ( kind soil plant)
you had mentioned foliar spray, which or what kind? I made some phosphate stuff, baked egg shells, broke down in distilled vinegar, works pretty good just at start of flower, would been trying to find something to use thats good all through veg
you had mentioned foliar spray, which or what kind? I made some phosphate stuff, baked egg shells, broke down in distilled vinegar, works pretty good just at start of flower, would been trying to find something to use thats good all through veg
I buy one called Push made by veg+bloom.. Works great
Roots is my favorite soil but I have to use lime before I use it out of the bag.
funny you mention that, my current grow I started some DinaFem WhiteCheese seeds in straight organics, they were perfect till about day 8 and weird things was in the span of like 4 hours they went from perfect to shit both of them. I assumed it was maybe too hot for me to be starting in, I can't figure it out, because my GSC she still doing awesome and she was started in straight roots as well.
I did absolutely nothing to my roots soil... have had no problems in any grows so far. I do prep it I put it in the pot and soak it and let it sit a week or two before I put anything in it.