New grow room ideas

Yes, run your exhaust through there. Make sure there is a metal screen over the outlet, you're close to the ground, and rodents are very smell curious.

If you weren't already planning it, I'd add a smoke detector nearby.
You can run both an intake and Exhaust out that perfectly located window, you will need both. If the window is visible from the outside to passer-byers You can use plywood painted black on the outside with a dryer type vent and no one will even look at it twice even when steam is coming from it. As mentioned before it must be rodent proof and insect resistant on the intake. I wish I had a space like that to work with. Good Luck!

For one thing, it looks to be below grade so anyone spotting anything would be up real close.....trespassing close. For another, Black-out curtains are real cheap and come in a multitude of sizes. Cover the window, set up your grow space, test run it before planting anything. It'll give an idea on where you need to adjust your setup.