Photoperiod New grow 2023 Barneys Farm and In-house genetics

Day 45
Accidentally left my space heater on last night and it dried up my tent pretty quick. Pots still had some heft to em when I left for work yesterday, but when I woke up today the tent was at 79°F humidity was at 43%, pots were lighter than air.

Had to make a run to the spring to restock on water but had enough at temp to water today. 6.2ph no nutes again, next watering will be a dose at around 600ppm. I keep my water in my mud room so it was a little cold, after a bath in hot water I got the temp up to 69.8° from 61. The mimosa and forbidden jelly both took almost 1.75 gallons amd the Ayahuasca only took a gallon. Set the pots back in the saucer after run off stopped amd they sucked about 30% back up in a little under an hour. After that it seems like they wouldnt take anymore, even though they arent as heavy as fully saturated. Might to a sledgehammer flush next instead of a feed to yucca up the pots and wash out any salt build up, though I doubt there is any, not sure. All depends on how the plants respond to this watering.

Didnt take too many pics today. But I decided to see how tall the girls were, well beside the Ayahuasca. The mimosa is the first with the ruler the forbidden jelly is next. The ayahuasca is about 1/2 of these 2.

These measurements are from the ground not the top of the pot. Take off 12 inches for the actual plant size. So they both stand around 18-20in tall. Ayahuasca is about 10.

Thats all for today, thanks for stoppin
Did a little defoliation again. Got rid of a few fan leaves and more side branches off all 3. Only the side branches I believe arent really gonna yeild anything more than larf, which would be ok if I was gonna make something out of it but I never do.

Forbidden Jelly

Mimosa is the most noticeably different. Took the most off her

And of course the "runt" Ayahuasca Purple

Wasnt getting a lot of air flow through the center of the tent so I also bumped up the clip on to power level 5. Had some dew built up on the leaves that were sitting on top of eachother on all 3 plants
Day 47
I didnt really wanna make another threadmarked update but the plants are growing so fast its ridiculous.

Watered today, each pot got a out 1.66 gallons and a feed at about 650-700ppm. Before watering I emptied my saucers. They still had quite a bit of water in them from a couple days ago and knew they would overflow. Decided to add a little bit of grow big to this mix now as I havent seen any new yellowing tips or rust spots. Only 1/2 tsp tho as I dont wanna overload on N.

Plants are looking great, jungle is getting more and more dense and tall every day....seems like pretty much every day Im getting an average of about .5-.75inches in height. Just hit 10 days in flower and its almost ridiculous how much they have grown, still have a lot more to go too. I expect to see buds start developing in the next week, maybe 10 more days.

Didnt take pics of the individual plants just the whole tent. My vinyl stickers are all disappearing in foliage whi h is awesome. I think I am starting to get a hang of this whole cultivation thing lmao. Got a pic of underneath so you guys can see the branch structure of the Mimosa and Forbidden Jelly
Had to water again today, also defoliated a bit more too.

Used 2tsp of sledge hammer and gave the Mimosa x Orange Punch and Forbidden Jelly about 2 gallons each. The really started running off after 1.25 but I wanted to get yucca in there, bottoms were starting to get hydrophobic again and leaving them sit in the saucer after running off wasnt doing it anymore.

The Ayahuasca didn't really need water, but with that said I feel like I may be running into a problem with her. Pots still heafty not like I just watered it, but much heavier than normal so for some reason she has cut back on drinking and the only thing I can think of is maybe light stress. She wasnt mature when I flipped her to flower which I would assume shouldnt be a huge problem. But the tops of a few branches are pretty flimsy, they have enough rigidity to stand up towards the light but not enough to keep them from bending easy when I move them and they stay bent for a pretty decent amount of time before standing uprightagain, funny thing is its not all the branches. Maybe I have some hydrophobic pockets or something, I really have no clue. Shes a little yellower in the new growth too. Ive given her as much food as the others and she is so much smaller, but has a large root system for sure. You can see it by brushing away .5 inch of soil. Roots are everywhere and healthy white so idk. Maybe it just needs wind resistance to stiffen up a bit, but I did hear thats kinda bs to a point. Right now shes still growing steady and at most its 2-3in of flimsyness amd then the stems are very rigid.

Heres some pics, took one of just the mimosa and forbidden jelly alone in the tent so you can get an idea of their actual size compared to the tent.

Mimosa x Orange Punch

Forbidden Jelly

Didnt take any of the Ayahuasca, but I thinned her out pretty good might be able to see it in the full tent pic, but I was excited for this one and now Im disappointed I gotta do a little more research into how slow growing strains are before I get a grow going, next time I may just grow a tent of just Ayahuasca's if I plan to grow them because none of my other strains so far are this slow, but it is a cross between some og landraces, well one parent is.

These plants have just a little more than doubled in size in just under 2 weeks of flowering cycle and dont have any signs of slowing down yet, internodal distance is still increase and since flowering 5 new nodes have developed with what looks like more on the way.

Some side notes on overall stucture. The Mimosa is easily trainable and doesn't require a lot of tying back to get her canopy pretty even. The Forbidden Jelly just seems to be great at it in late veg. Everything is growing to a certain height and pretty much growing steadily at that point. The Ayahuasca, even topped just once is still kinda retaining that Christmas tree, 100% indica structure, just no main stem. Very impressed, my last grow showed none of these characteristics. Branches staggered on all 4 plants heavily.

Anyway thats all for today
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Found out I left my light on over night last night. I was rewiring some stuff, or I should say re-running wires. So I turned the knob of the controller on to 80% while I was doing stuff and forgot to change it back all 3 plants are very very upset. Went dark for the rest of the day, will turn lights back on at the normal time tomorrow
Found out I left my light on over night last night. I was rewiring some stuff, or I should say re-running wires. So I turned the knob of the controller on to 80% while I was doing stuff and forgot to change it back all 3 plants are very very upset. Went dark for the rest of the day, will turn lights back on at the normal time tomorrow
The extended light, and dark period caused a small growth spurt. They dont seem too shocked by the experience. They all are praying.

The Ayahuasca has much more rigidity to its stems which is weird because the pot was dry. I added sledgehammer to the watering today and it took 1.5 gallons with basically 0 run off, pot is HEAVY.

The Forbidden Jelly was also dry. Took about 1.75 gallons with very minimal run off as well. Somehow not as heafty as the Ayahuasca.

The Mimosa x Orange Punch didnt really seem phased by this whole process at all but her pot was drunk dry too. She only took about 1.5 gallons before running off heavily. Might add yucca again to the next watering.

I'm also reducing light cycle to 10/14 for the time being. Probably till next week sometime or I am sure no male flowers start developing. Im not sure if the plant will get shocked by the increase in dli again.

Thats all for today. Thanks for stopping by.

Edit: Forgot to add tomorrow marks 2 weeks in flower besides the f up on my part yesterday. Looks like the stretching is starting to slow down and Im starting to see clusters of pistils at the tops of the plants so I thing bud production is around the corner, hopefully no pollen. Fingers crossed
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Day 53
Not much to say today. Since the last watering on all 3 included a sledgehammer mini flush. I decided to feed today. Week 8 of fox farm nute line I posted before. Everything cut in half besides grow big was 1/4, and no cal mag.
Just a small update.

Tent looks amazing today. Bud production is in full swing. Still stretching too.

Stuff is already starting to get a little tacky when going through and looking at budsites. Still inspecting for any pollen sacs forming. I dont see anything yet but aim trying to stay vigilant about looking. One thing to note is the decrease in light cycle really pushed this thing to produce budsites. Im back up to 11/13 and will be switching back to 12/12 after the next week with no male flowers forming.

Edit: plants are just drinking the pots dry daily now. May have to bite the bullet and get a dehumidifier for the tent. Girls are just blasting through. Going on about 2 gallons every 36 hours
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