Aug 27, 2018
Reaction score
First grow!
One plant which is dinafem cheese cbd, new growth is yellow, it’s three weeks old today.. treated no differently to the othe others but has been the fastest since seed, and first to head into flower, have fed it cal/mag yesterday and maybe it needs some time to green up, either that or I’m wrong and it’s somerhing else??? Opinions welcome I try to read and learn as much as possible but I believe sometimes experience outways anything else,I did foliar spray during lights off and I think that’s why I have some yellow spots...... 600w cooled reflector humidity approx 60% temp approx 29c lights on 22c lights off 20/4... biobizz light mix, soil ph 7.....biobizz grow 5ml/l fish mix 5ml/l last feed, plant has been yellow since 1.5 weeks... without telling you the colour of my boxer shorts etc I hope this is enough info for some feedback... i would imagine an experienced grower has encountered such issues in the past. Thank you
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View attachment 952609 Hi
First grow!
One plant which is dinafem cheese cbd, new growth is yellow, it’s three weeks old today.. treated no differently to the othe others but has been the fastest since seed, and first to head into flower, have fed it cal/mag yesterday and maybe it needs some time to green up, either that or I’m wrong and it’s somerhing else??? Opinions welcome I try to read and learn as much as possible but I believe sometimes experience outways anything else,I did foliar spray during lights off and I think that’s why I have some yellow spots thanks
There's a form to complete pinned at the top, guys will need more info such as medium , lighting and cycles, temps, humidity etc. Looks like you got one or two others with defficencies too.

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