Outdoor New Alaskan Autos Mk.II


Captain Caveman
Apr 8, 2016
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Currently Smoking
(Snowdawg II x Jock Horror) Photo
So the little plant hut is almost finished. My pops talked me into using chicken wire instead of the expensive livestock fence. His logic was sound. It is to keep the honest people honest. I have an eight camera security system in my possession that will be set up within the next two weeks. I followed all the guidelines for creating the hut. Can't be visible from roadways, interior can't be visible, has to have a lock, etc.. I live in rural Alaska and if someone can see my plant hut then they are already trespassing.

This will be the grow log.

Blended medium:
Promix BX 3&1/2 gal.
Perlite 1/4 gal.
Vermiculite 1/4 gal.
2 Tbspn. 7-4-5 Happy Frog Tomato & Vegetable Fertilizer
2 Tbspn. 0-0-0.2 (1.8% calcium, 0.5% magnesium, 0.1% chlorine, 0.1% sodium) Azomite
2 Tbspn. 2-14-0 DTE Bonemeal
2 Tbspn. Mykos Mycorrizhae Innoculum
4 Tbspn. 1-0.1-2 DTE Kelp Meal
2 Tbspn. 6-6-0 (10% calcium) DTE shrimp meal
1 Tbspn. 0-0-22 (10% magnesium, 22% sulfur, 3% chlorine) DTE langbeinite
2 Tbspn. 0-10-0 Sun Leaves Jamaican Bat Guano
Hydrocorn Clay Pellets 1 gal. (at bottom of bucket to aid in drainage)

Four five gallon buckets: Flash Stardust Auto Regular
One six gallon bucket: Nirvana Jock Horror Auto Feminized
One four gallon bucket: Nirvana Jock Horror Auto Feminized

Seeds will be germinated individually in pill canisters on my router. 60N
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Still too cold at night. We shall see. I have another layer of poly to be applied inside the hut and some white sprayfoam to fill some gaps and cracks. I'm thinking another week or two.

/edit By the way, I never programmed the clock on that thermometer.
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Hi Enki, that's a cool hut! I've wanted to do something similar many times, but in the uk it would be asking for trouble. So what's the plan, will your plants stay in there until maturity or is it temporary accommodation? Best of luck with the season!
It's legal to grow your own here. You can have a maximum of six in flower and six immature. Hence what I said about following the laws about the visibility of the greenhouse. Still way too cold at night, looks like the low in the greenhouse was 24f last night. This will be their accomodation for their whole lifecycle. We only get about 90 days of growing season here. However, the greenhouse should give me ten to twenty additional days.

/edit I'll hang the interior layer of poly this afternoon and set up a 30 gallon tote of water to act as a solar/thermal trap as Alaskan1 suggested in my prior thread. Hopefully that will bump up the temp in the hut a little. Projections for spring temps this year may push germination off to the second or third week of May. Last year I tilled and planted the vegetable garden in the second week of May, seems a bit cooler this year.

/edit/edit Exterior temp is 51f, greenhouse temp is 69f. On the right track! :D
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one thing you could look at possibly.ill be doing this next winter myself but when your weather warms up lightly you could do 20 gallon tubs or so and burry some soil warmer cables and a thermometer and thermostat and that will stave off a lot of cold issues during the night and keep ambient heat inside too to a degree.
It's on like donkey kong!

Thermometer is reading 80f at bucket level and 84f in the rafters. Not sure how many gallons that tote is but it was the only dark colored one I had. It'll have to do. I'll wait a couple weeks before germinating, still. I think this little hut will work out nicely. Also, I plan on cutting in two 4" vents with little doors on them for the warmer parts of the year. One vent near the peak and one vent near the floor to allow for natural draft. I have a few other tricks up my sleeve that I plan on implementing later, as well.
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You will need to keep an eye on your ventilation for sure. And if you can warm the soil like EoF said that would really kick it up.
Really cool to see the AK projects going. I'm gonna be along on this one man.