New Grower New 2 growing. . I've chosen, fast & vast auto!!!

If you go to the forum home the first section is called afn live staff help thread. Its a 24h service that only mods can answer so advice will be good. Just post your problem and a picture or even link to your journal.

Okay, thanks again Sanguine!

much appreciated :-)
If you go to the forum home the first section is called afn live staff help thread. Its a 24h service that only mods can answer so advice will be good. Just post your problem and a picture or even link to your journal.

Done it mate, posted my link to Waira along with a message as Oldster suggested.
Good job, might take a few hours but someone will reply with sound advice
Hi Hector,

Here is the Infirmary link

I saw your post in Live Help and that is ok, Waira will see it. We try to keep Live Help more for things that are very time critical. The Infirmary is the place for general plant issues and there are also some good sickies there that are worth a read. Happy growing!
Hector- Plagron is mild stuff,... this is the "algae" line-- 2-4-2 and 3-2-5 ? ...given your 1/4 str. dosing, and ok pH (could come up to 6.5 preferably), i think you have a couple deficiencies going,... interveinal yellowing suggests Mg defc., and the tip/teeth necrosis, looks like K defc. to me, too,.... there is some overlap with the yellowing between them,... I suggest upping your nute conc. to at least half, and see how they react, and start with some dedicated Ca-Mg product too, to cover the bases,... I looked at Plagron's site, and the info for grow and bloom is weird, like they mixed up the NPK nubers between them...? ...grow is 2-4-2; bloom 3-2-5...??! looks backwards in ratio's to me! you have a P-K booster? double check your bottles for me too please, and see what the NKP#'s are on them,... then we can dial in a treatment plan,...
Hector- Plagron is mild stuff,... this is the "algae" line-- 2-4-2 and 3-2-5 ? ...given your 1/4 str. dosing, and ok pH (could come up to 6.5 preferably), i think you have a couple deficiencies going,... interveinal yellowing suggests Mg defc., and the tip/teeth necrosis, looks like K defc. to me, too,.... there is some overlap with the yellowing between them,... I suggest upping your nute conc. to at least half, and see how they react, and start with some dedicated Ca-Mg product too, to cover the bases,... I looked at Plagron's site, and the info for grow and bloom is weird, like they mixed up the NPK nubers between them...? ...grow is 2-4-2; bloom 3-2-5...??! looks backwards in ratio's to me! you have a P-K booster? double check your bottles for me too please, and see what the NKP#'s are on them,... then we can dial in a treatment plan,...

Thank you Waira, really appreciate the feed back... I been thinking I have a few deficiencies on the go to. I've just got back home, I'll double check my bottles for you now. When I watered them earlier I gave them half strength, I must've cut back too much, I was just worried I guess.

I'll get some Ca-Mg product from my hydro store tomorrow, and P-K booster if need be.

Thanks again.
The NPK-Numbers on my bottles are; 3-1-3 for the terra grow and, 2-2-4 for the terra bloom.
Thanks again for your time. Much appreciated!


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The 2-2-4 is the bloom, I'll go get that Ca-Mg tomorrow.
They're not looking too bad now mate, some what you said. . Thanks for the tips!

One more question? Should I cut off the dying fan leaves? Also I read somewhere that people cut most the bottom away so more energy gets sent to the main buds....