Outdoor Netherlands Greenhouse Grow: Mohan Ram Auto, RQ NL Auto, Lowryder #2, Santa

TheCannabist i'm growing auto too. I'm starting mine indoor to transplant outdoor to a greenhouse too. I've make a few mistakes at the first week (with water and light), but this baby started growing more fast on the past 4 days. If you want, check the link in my signature and see the lady :)

I've tried to find some information before but the best i found was this two videos on youtube:

To be honest, i've ordered this seeds because the white widow genetics. I just love ww :D

By the way, a few weeks ago i was about to buy a similar greenhouse to yours to cover some strawberries but using it on horizontal. The price of it was 7 euros, i thought it really cheap.
Hi Dwarven,

Glad to hear your also growing the auto version. 7 euros is really cheap, why didn't you buy it? I don't know how much mine was cos my mum gave it to me for my birthday hehe. I will update today cos the girls have grown a fair bit, though perhaps a little slow cos not getting quite as much light as they maybe should, but yeah they're looking good and have been outside since they sprouted. The Mohan Ram is definitely the biggest and healthiest looking. God I can't wait to try that smoke!


I haven't buy it because the type of plastic it's made. I bought a roll of plastic used for greenhouses (yellow) that cost 5 euros 1 meter height x 6 meters width, build a structure and there she's waiting for the ladies :)

Ye it's important to get the right plastic. Sounds like your home-made greenhouse should turn out pretty nice and I'm sure the ladies will like their new home.

Time for a brief update:


Pic #1: diesel ryder, lowryder #2, easy ryder. in order from left-right
Pic #2: Northern Light Auto
Pic #3: Mohan Ram Auto

The girls are looking pretty good, but could be growing a little faster (especially the lowryders), most likely due to not having a huge amount of light and cold conditions. The weather has been cloudy and cold mostly for the last few days. The NL & MR are neck and neck. It's a bit tricky to tell them apart now actually.

I am yet to water any of them but have been spraying the soil when it looks dry on top, though not heavily. Humidity is quite high in the greenhouse.

The results of my hop tea fungicide are looking pretty good. The mould came back a little, but with less gusto and I sprayed it whenever I saw it (probably 3 times). It now looks to have retreated all together and the chive + basil seem pretty unaffected. SUCCESS! :howdy:

That's pretty much it for now and I have to walk the dog so peace out and happy growing!

Yeah mate, indeed. This plastic is a little bit more expensive but worth it.
I've started mine indoor because the bad climate that we've now. A week ago the temperatures were around 20-22º Celsius. Right now it's fucking snowing lol

By the way, how do you do with ventilation? Just open the front plastic works for you? I've used to cover strawberries with a tunnel greenhouse, so i had wind on them (opened on both sides). With this one, i'm thinking to cut a few parts of the side and cover it with the network used for coop. I'm not sure how to say this in english, but it's a network that i use on my "chicken house" that avoid birds and big insects from coming in.
Pulling up a chair for this one looks good
Have you seen the Bluemat products ? automatic drip feeders for 10 euro - handy if your going on holiday !
cant wait to see all the outdoor budz this year - good luck
Yeah mate, indeed. This plastic is a little bit more expensive but worth it.
I've started mine indoor because the bad climate that we've now. A week ago the temperatures were around 20-22º Celsius. Right now it's fucking snowing lol

By the way, how do you do with ventilation? Just open the front plastic works for you? I've used to cover strawberries with a tunnel greenhouse, so i had wind on them (opened on both sides). With this one, i'm thinking to cut a few parts of the side and cover it with the network used for coop. I'm not sure how to say this in english, but it's a network that i use on my "chicken house" that avoid birds and big insects from coming in.

Ye the weather here can't make up it's bloody mind as usual, but like I've said, the plants are coping pretty well with it.

I'm not quite sure how I'm going to deal with ventilation... but I will figure it out. one idea I am considering is taking a pair of window vents and building them into the cover. that way I will still be able to seal it off completely and get ventilation/circulation when I want it without causing much damage to any part of the greenhouse. would also be very cheap.

Currently, opening the front flap/door works fine, but seedlings need very little ventilation.


Pulling up a chair for this one looks good
Have you seen the Bluemat products ? automatic drip feeders for 10 euro - handy if your going on holiday !
cant wait to see all the outdoor budz this year - good luck

Thanks for pulling up your chair maffro and for the suggestion, but I most likely won't be going on holiday because I'm short of cash and would need someone to look after my dog. I'm very happy here though!:dance:

Anyone who can wait to see buds is sick:twist:
Mate, how is your growing doing? I'm a little bit curious about your Mohan Ram :)
Alright mate, thanks for asking. Click on my sig to see where my Mohan Ram currently resides. I managed to talk my girlfriend into letting me set up a stealth cab in our bedroom, so I did and I gave away all but the MR and planted a Santa (flash). I really didn't want to have to worry about her parents or our land lord coming round, not to mention the neighbours who can see straight into our garden. I'm literally about to update that thread now.