Outdoor Netherlands Greenhouse Grow: Mohan Ram Auto, RQ NL Auto, Lowryder #2, Santa

can we see your greenhouse? :D


Product Dimensions: 143 x 73 x 197 cm
Haha thanks, but that would be the fine work of the catalogue photographer. My camera isn't usable yet due to a missing sd card.

Hi Everyone,

I found my memory card so here are some pics:



Pics in order from top: greenhouse and Duke the dog; Easy Ryder; Lowryder #2; Diesel Ryder; NL Auto; Mohan Ram Auto.

The green board that the greenhouse is sitting on has wheels underneath. I made it so I can wheel the greenhouse around the patio to get the most light possible. Working so far :lol: Oh and the plastic bags are full of gravel to stop a gust of wind ruining everything.

Not much else to say really, other than the girls are all looking good and getting plenty of sun thanks to the good weather and wheely board.

One question, does anyone know when the best time to transplant autos is?

Peace and Happy Growing!
love the greenouse on wheels idea, never ever seen anything like that before, its genius!! :D

for potting up I wait until they show sex, as soon as tey do they go straight into there final pots.
Nice job! I like the idea with the wheels and being able to run around and catch the sun! :thumbs: +rep

You'll almost definitely stunt Auto's if you transplant. You might consider sacrificing those pots that you would have wanted to transplant by cutting the bottoms out -without cutting the roots- and tiering them into larger ones. If you're transplanting into the same soil mix, you'll prolly have some happy plants.
Thanks for the advice guys! the only problem with waiting until they show sex is that they are really small pots. one of them's not even got half a litre in it I think, so I'm a bit worried they'll get root bound. I think tiered potting is a good idea in this case and I would happily sacrifice these pots for one extra gram as they aint worth shit haha. I would have to be really careful cutting the bottoms of though, because they're not the thinnest plastic (like party cups). Does anyone have any handy tricks for this?

I must say I was pretty pleased with myself when I had the wheely-greeny-house idea, but I'm pretty sure my neighbours think I'm insane now after watching my daily antics.


...I would have to be really careful cutting the bottoms of though, because they're not the thinnest plastic (like party cups). Does anyone have any handy tricks for this?...

Very carefully with a utility knife without cutting half-way through a finger is how I did it once. (Now just seeds directly into big pots) Don't be high when you do it and stay concentrated.
Thanks, that's what I figured and I agree that being stoned would not be a good idea :no:
Hop tea, anti mould test

Hi Everyone,

So today I observed that the patch of mould on/around my chives in the greenhouse has grown rather a lot and I have bud rot on my mind as conditions here are perfect for getting it. I am a homebrewer so have plenty of hops in the fridge and I know that the alpha acids in hops are anti bacterial/fungicidal etc so I made some hop tea.

I added 2.5-3 teaspoons of challenger hops to 3 litres of boiling water and boiled for about 45 mins (maybe a bit more). I left it to cool and put in my sprayer. I sprayed the shit out of that of mould, both on the chives and the surrounding soil, and am awaiting the results. If it does not damage the plant(s) in that pot and does get rid of the mould then I shall be very pleased indeed. I will let you all know how it turns out.

I am ordering some Serenade from the US in any case because I need to take preventative measures as well and it's pretty good stuff by the looks of things. Does anyone have anything to say about serenade?

That's all from me chaps. Peace out
