Indoor Nelson's SOG, CFL, Bubbly tank grow.

That's dirty old men pot growing kooks. We are weird but we have fun/
As promised but a little late I am getting up the pictures of the seeds hatching out. Note the heat mat. As I told you before I do things a little different. If the seeds are less than a year old I don't bother to soak them and do the paper towel thing. Also I am lazy and tend to go for the easiest way unless the other way is way better and I don't think it is.

Frankly I get good enough germination from just dropping then into the medium sized Jiffy pucks. The jiffy pucks have a little indentation in the middle of them. I just soak the jiffy pucks until they have expanded to about ten times their size and then pour the escess water off and drop the seed into the indentation. I take my finger and press the jiffy tube downwards and the seed gets covered up. I put a tag into the jiffy puck so I can mark the seeds so I know what type they are.

Next the tray with the planted Jiffy pucks goes into the covered tray and tyhe tray sits on top of a seed starting heating mat. The heating mat automatically keeps everything the right temperature. No timer or heat testing required you just get wicked good hatch rate with no fuss.

There is a chance of damp off so I mix a 10% solution of coffee (10%) and water. I put it in a spray bottle and spray the new seedlings until the first set of real leaves come in usually in about a week. I spray about every two days. I have used other antidamp off stuff like hydrogen peroxide colution and a product called damp off. They all work but the coffee works just as well.

My wife took a few pictures so I will put them up.

The next step is to move the started plants to the Rubbbermade totes with holes cut in the top and a bubble pump for each tote. It is the next segment. Ask me any questions you like about the process so far.


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man the last time i used pete pellets i had a horoble germ rate what do you do special......:thumbs:
I guess Jiffy Pucks must be some form of peat pellets but I don't know that for sure. I swear the good germination rate I get is due to the heating pad. My wife uses the heating pad to germinate her peppers and uses the Jiffy cubes also for them. Germinating peppers must have the good hatch rate mostly from the bottom heat is produces. She was a big soaker and paper toweler for starting seeds but think I have won her over.

How many of you out there use Jiffy Pucks? How many are soaker/paper towelers?

man the last time i used pete pellets i had a horoble germ rate what do you do special......:thumbs:
I use to have really good luck with them, but on my giggle juice run, not so good 16 pelets with two beans each, and only got four of them dug the rest out and planted direct.. but i did not use a germ pad.. I'm gonna have to get one....thanks...P.S if you hav't checked out my "mother ship" thread please do......
I am up to my ass in aligators. I got seed plants to finish and I am so sick of pulling seeds out of buds. I sure will never take a seed contract again as long as I live.

I am also right in the middle of clipping the end of the outside not to mention starting up my bubbly room.

I do think a heating pad is the only way to go. They are cheap and very effective to be sure. I will answer the PM i got on here. The he3ting pad I use is made by Hydrofarm. It uses only 17 watts and keeps the Jiffy pucks at just the right temperature. It stands water spills without shorting out. It is made in Petaluma California. There site is . I bought mine at the local hydro store. You will have to email them to find your nearest supplier or e supplier.

I don't do much cloning any more but when I did I found that the bottom heat helped there also.

Goauto6 Soon as I get a chance I will check out your thread, thanks man.

I use to have really good luck with them, but on my giggle juice run, not so good 16 pelets with two beans each, and only got four of them dug the rest out and planted direct.. but i did not use a germ pad.. I'm gonna have to get one....thanks...P.S if you hav't checked out my "mother ship" thread please do......
I also use jiffy pellets,somtimes jiffy seedstarter mix in the jiffy mini panter pots.I use their humidity dome and heat mat and usually get a good hatch rate when germin beans.Looks like u had a helluva sprout rate on that batch!
I had six of one type that didn't sprout. I thin the seeds were too old anyway I have thrown them out. All the rest sprouted. Yahoo. It has been wicked dark and rainy and not enough light has come through the kitchen window. The seedlings are a little stretched. I think it is time to build a little light rack for my hatching set up. I have started tyhe project so I will put it up when I am done. I gotta bring up a tote and my net pots with the clay balls. Time to get the grow totes rolling.

I also use jiffy pellets,somtimes jiffy seedstarter mix in the jiffy mini panter pots.I use their humidity dome and heat mat and usually get a good hatch rate when germin beans.Looks like u had a helluva sprout rate on that batch!
I am up to my ass in aligators. I got seed plants to finish and I am so sick of pulling seeds out of buds. I sure will never take a seed contract again as long as I live.
Lots of seeds whoop :dance::dance:

How many of you out there use Jiffy Pucks? How many are soaker/paper towelers?
Paper towel all the way never had probs and always 100% germ within 12-24hrs :dance::dance: Tell your wife she takes good pics wish my wife would take an intrest in my grow let along take pics for me :cry::cry: Ahh well i have you guys and AFN to Show my girls too :peace: Si