Grow Room "NekoSempai's Candy Kush/Krippleberry grow"

Hey, thanks my brother.
The smoke is very delicious heh. I know not as delicious as the stuff you be smokin on though lol.
Nah I never use chems..except recently Ive used a tad bit of epsom salts...Im going to get some of that general organics cal/mag soon.

Just using some organic dry ferts I use to make aerated compost teas..and the bottle stuff like fish, organic liquid kelp, some sul-po-mag( i barely use it)...bone meal. Thats about it. Organic soil medium.
Im a little insulted you thought I used chems man lol..j/k =P
:Sharing One:
I just couldnt recall. seems the ppl i thought used certain things dont n the ones im unsure about do n dont so i just ask anymore lmfao!! its a lot easier to ask instead of yapping for 15 minutes n come to find out their using chems or organic nutes..few are using living organics so thats easy to keep straight lol!!
Lol yea heh. Im just kidding my brother.

By living organics. You mean the way you do it? Mixing from scratch...letting soil cook etc?
I want to do that so bad man. No more room =( ..Ill get there eventually when I move to a bigger place lol.
well sorta brotha... i think a lot of ppl misunderstand about what I do and what a simple living organics mix is. thats why Ive always said to go with either the revs pre made pack which is cheaper than a full recipe build and what I AM DOING?? is very different than what ppl understand imho.Im evolving and testing various amounts in similar mixes.but ideally yes making a living mix.BUT... its as simple as using a compost of two three types with soil as a full on rounded batch then build with varying things like kelp,alfalfa,bone meal n an inoculate,castings n humus..simple then you blend(or cook) it and check for fuzzy fuzz. but its very simple.alot want current science n this n that thinking chem state of mind and quite simply that mindset doesnt transfer at all to organic mixes n feeding of a fair soil. thats all. hell in all honesty i wish i could afford to mail you 10 gallons of my soil lol!thatll get ya going lol but im broke as a joke..soooo!!

I learned from evolving various batches,but really all i mean is starting point.a place to start and i hate to rally up this guys frigin stuff again cuz believe it or not ive always NOT been a fan of the rev. i just hate pushing his stuff thats overpriced greedy shitheel in my eyes but his recipe doesnt suck for a beginner either.its a great place to start and once you watch a simple living mix at work thats pre balanced out for you ,youll see what were talking about.

also one as simple as a starter mix like the three little birds add to that mix personally but its a great starter recipe imo that can toitally be built into a beast of a recipe once worked for a cpl grows....damn all freshly high n shit what a ramble lmfao!!
Lol, posting when freshly baked is always fun lol.
Yea, I understand what your saying. Once of these days Ill be able to do it.
10 gallons of your soil would be epic man! No worries my friend. Its the thought that counts the most. :Sharing One:

Im still getting satisfactory results with my line up but, I know it would be even better if I migrated over to your style of grow.
hey Neko bro! ill be sending you a PM in a cpl days..I got a soil things I wantcha to try mang lol!! youll like it me thinks..:d5: :Sharing One:

hell yea man. Sounds great to me. I seriously appreciate you being so helpful my friend. Your a good person man. Helping people out how your able to, with no expectation of anything in return..Except that we spread the love to others when we can too. So, together. We can grow better and better meds together.

Ok ok...I know I got a little cheesy/cliche there, but I meant it man. :Sharing One: