Grow Room "NekoSempai's Candy Kush/Krippleberry grow"

Neko, What kind of edibles did you make. I made some oil and then brownies but I want to cook up something that doesn't go stale. I can't put brownies in the freezer as I have kids.
Hey, whats good my brothers Bandit and Jackmc!? "AFN smoke out"

I made some soft bake chewy sugar cookies. So delicious. Specially when they were fresh out of the oven. Half a cookie was plenty. I had a whole cookie the first time, and was stuck on stupid most of the day ...Made for an excellent adventurous day though LOL.....I wear my sunglasses out i can,,sooo i can hide my eyes of fire lol. :no: I know I know...cheesy mik neezy right hurrr =P.

Anywho, I got the candy Kush Curing. I tried a little preview joint. Was a very pleasurable potent smoke. Though, I can tell the difference from when its cured. I think Candy Kush really shines with a good cure. I remember last time. When it had been in the jar for 2 weeks. Each day after that. It seemed like it got more potent each time I tried it. I rolled a Jay of the kripple berry too. Its some good smoke. Smoke expands a lot. I didnt cure it though. Its a mellow indica body stone with no drowsyness or lethargy. Recreationally speaking its not the best smoke. Pretty mild. Medicinally speaking, I think it has much more potential. I got ADHD. So, I noticed this worked really well for that. Since I was completely calm, with my mind relaxed and focused. No foggy forgetful high. Wish it grew out bigger. Would have been great day time smoke.


"AFN smoke out"

I got something new that just sprouted. Ill be making a journal for that soon.

1 mephisto White triangle. (white x triangle kush)
Funny LOL! When are you starting the Toof Decay? I am interested in seeing that grow!:hug:
Well, I think Im going to do it soon. If one of the lemon heads I plant turns male. Ill plant a toof x Ghost. ..If I end up getting 2 females. it wont be until I harvest my last pez. In a week or 2.
scratch that....germing a (toof x ghost) right now.
Yeah! another toof x ghost up in this piece :)
Since the move, you been on a role, Neko Man!
Oh Nice trapper! Your growing it too I see. Imuh go check out your journal man. Super excited for this strain man.

Hey Bandit my brothuh. Hey, thanks man. I just got the addiction to growing back is all heh.

Thanks for stoppin by guys. I guess this will be the official end of the thread. I just smoked half a J of the Candy Kush.....:wiggle: Im extremely body stoned and really head high. Its taking me a while to type this out lol. Im stuck on pause..or so it seems. I forgot what else I was going to say.

Something about the end of the world or something...

Oh yes. Just a side note for people who have not come through yet...and or are interested. Ill be documenting the mephisto's here

Cheers guys. "AFN smoke out"
Oh Nice trapper! Your growing it too I see.... "AFN smoke out"

Trying to...I drew a mutant and I'm trying to decide what to do, leaning towards letting it roll
until it's not healthy. If I yank her, I'll drop another of the same. :)
Yours looks healthy to me man. Id let her roll. Looks like she might surprise you man.!