Live Stoner Chat needing little help

  • Thread starter Thread starter gtganjagirl18
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Glad to hear 3 are now up, hopefully the other 2 will pop up :thumbs:
ikr well 1 is tall and doing good has 4 leaves and then 2 more the seeds are just barely popping over the soil idk if im watering them too much or not i normally spray the containers down 3-4 times, i have the kinda cardboard biodegradeable planters
You should take pictures if you have a camera it will allow us to see whats going on. Over watering is a common mistake with new growers. You should mist your seedlings lightly until they have established root systems. As for when to water, stick your finger deep into the pot and see if you feel moisture. If you don't feel moisture and your pot is light, its time to water. I hope this helps :smokebuds:
Another good way to tell if you need to water is lift the pots... if they feel super light and you see the soil is dry water 'em. If you stick your finger in the soil and you feel moisture and when you lift the pot it's still got weight to it... wait until they dry out more. Greenthumper is 100% correct. Over watering is a common newbie mistake. I did it myself. good you got your bro to help you along as well. Pictures would rock though... so we can all help you better.

Anything your brother doesn't know we can help you out with :thumbs:
ok guys the ppl he;ping me said $115 for the grow kit is way too much, i made reflectors, i have a timmer, all i need is the light and i found this bulb for about 22$ please tell me if it will work

Recommended for commercial use in exterior spaces, the Philips 250-Watt Clear High Pressure Sodium (HPS) HID Light Bulb provides great light output and a long life. The product features a yellow color that is not highly attractive to bugs.

  • Brightness: 27,000 lumens
  • Estimated yearly energy cost: $30.11 (Based on 3 hrs/day, 11c/kwh. Costs depend on rates and use.)
  • Life hours: 21.9 years (Based on 3 hrs/day)
  • Light Appearance: 2100K
  • Energy used: 250 watts
  • Lumens per Watt: 108
  • For Outdoor use in commerical and residential applications
or i found this Bulbrite Industries E39 Mogul Base High Pressure Sodium Light Bulb

Item Description

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  • Metal Halide bulb
  • Universal burn, making this a perfect light bulb for any style application
  • Perfect for commercial, industrial, security and outdoor lighting applications
  • Long life: 24000 Hours
  • Color: Clear
  • Color temperature: 2000K
  • Wattage: 400W
the help is greatly appreciated
ok guys im switching to auto flower this crop died, so i am getting a 125w cfl and problally 2 spiral cfl since i am getting auto and they flower quicker and its a 24 hour all along do i still need a blue and a red spectrum or will a 125w 6500k work the whole time??
Blue spectrum is better for vegging your plants and red is for flowering I have grown some non autos with just cfls and they were fine but more blue and red spectrum helps a lot