100% with WVR, you do need air on the plants, your setup has to have atleast 3 fans, or a good setup i mean, if you want your plants to be healthy, if you dont want any problems with the grow, you wont fuck up the grow if your using medium setup but the better the setup the better the plants, you see your their mom now, so to start of with, the air inside the grow box your using has to change every 10 minutes, the best way and easiest to do that is use a fan to take the air our the box and another fan to take the air in the box, in other words, intake and an outtake fan, computer fans works the best cause they are small and dont take much electricity therefor they change the air inside the box by the minute, the third fan should not be blowing hard, in other words, put the back of your hand next to the plant, if you can feel the air, thats a little too much, you see the third fan has to be inside the box, to act like a windmill to keep the air flowing inside the box, get a tissue, put hang it next to the plant for a second to see if it moves, if it does move, now thats called breeze, you dont want your plant to move much, cause yu dont want wind you only want breeze, and tissue is the best test to see if there is air flowing through that area
sure thing ill be massaging you and keeping an eye on your grow like everyone here, we all want it to work out after all :smokebuds:
ps. pictures would help us all alot, goodluck!