Live Stoner Chat needing little help

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You will not need your ferts for a couple of weeks seedlings don't need much :thumbs:
While I agree with most of what otwo said, definitely keep your cfls closer then 2 feet. I keep mine 6 inchs away until 1 week old then move them 1-2 inch's away. CFL's dont penetrate much so you want to keep them as close as possible. Welcome to the AFN :smokeit:
I agree 100% get them alot closer mine are about 2-3 inch away and they dont penetrate that great but you could always use one of your lights for side lighting thats what i do.. I use my 300w dual spectrum for main light and my 125w for side light i have no probs with them.. Altho i will say alot of people say you dont have to sworry about heat with CFLs but thats not the case im using a grow tent and need two fans to keep my heat at around 75f :peace: Si
What type of soil are you using? This depends on when and how much to feed. Also will help find the best nutes for you... I start my photos with my Autos vegging them under 20/4. If you want to stay under 4 foot put them to 12/12 at 3 weeks instead of 4. You can do just fine going from 20/4 to 12/12. This will be debated but they do benefit from the dark period that's why I run 20/4. But it's all personal preference really.

Also, minor details... put a small fan on your seedlings with a slight breeze... Just so they are moving around a bit but not blowing over... This will act like "wind" and strengthen their stems. Plus air flow is VERY important. When they get bigger and stronger you can put more of a breeze on them. Get those lights as close as you can without burning them. When in doubt put your hand over the top of the plant. If it's too hot for your hand, it's too hot for them. :thumbs: You're in the right place. We'll all get you growing good here...

100% with WVR, you do need air on the plants, your setup has to have atleast 3 fans, or a good setup i mean, if you want your plants to be healthy, if you dont want any problems with the grow, you wont fuck up the grow if your using medium setup but the better the setup the better the plants, you see your their mom now, so to start of with, the air inside the grow box your using has to change every 10 minutes, the best way and easiest to do that is use a fan to take the air our the box and another fan to take the air in the box, in other words, intake and an outtake fan, computer fans works the best cause they are small and dont take much electricity therefor they change the air inside the box by the minute, the third fan should not be blowing hard, in other words, put the back of your hand next to the plant, if you can feel the air, thats a little too much, you see the third fan has to be inside the box, to act like a windmill to keep the air flowing inside the box, get a tissue, put hang it next to the plant for a second to see if it moves, if it does move, now thats called breeze, you dont want your plant to move much, cause yu dont want wind you only want breeze, and tissue is the best test to see if there is air flowing through that area
sure thing ill be massaging you and keeping an eye on your grow like everyone here, we all want it to work out after all :smokebuds:

otwo :peace:

ps. pictures would help us all alot, goodluck!
using regular marical grow pottting mix im switching to a 400w hps kit instead i found a good one
aye MG... Personally I hate miracle grow for growing MJ. Especially for a first time grow. Don't stress about adding nutes into MG because you will BURN your plants to death. MG has time released nutes in the soil (fertilizer already mixed in) so you don't want to over water because keep in mind every time you water they are getting nutes released... and you certainly don't want to add more nutes in... Do you plan on posting pictures of your plants?

Great choice on the 400W hps. I have two of them. Love my HPS!! HTG has great stock systems for a good price. That's where I got mine...

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well i got a prob i wont have the hps light ordered until tomrrow some shit happened, i have a nice reflector with a bright ass light only 1 fucking seedling out of 5 has popped i had to move the lamo higer the 1 that has popped is doing great except for when i ater it (with a spray bottle it is falling over) :( so i had to stick a toothpick and let it rest on that as for mg its all i had i had a big ass bag left over from my tomatoes and the hps kit i am getting has a 400w mh bulb and a 400w hps bulb
The soil might have had too much ferts for the 4 seeds to handle. At least you have one survivor, are you going to plant more seeds?
yea well i jsut checked 2 more a popping up, this is what my brother uses and he has 20 plants one is 7ft tall and 4ft in diamiter i was told it was my light so i moved it closer and put a fan on them im learning quick