you will not require the fertilizer at the first week, when you get a fertilizer make sure its a flowering fertilizer, just go to any plant shop, there are no specific brand people would recommend but aslong as the fertilizer your using has those:
N-P-K Ratio
if they dont have this then just look in the back were the information of the fertilizer is and make sure those three nuts are there
Nitrogen(N), Phosphorus(P), and Potash(K)
there the main nuts for leaves stems and buds formation, organic means what the plant will take is organic and chemical free, but of its not organic make sure you dont over use it or it will burn your roots
use 25% of the dose of any fertilizer you use for the second week after the seed poped out the soil
3rd week use 50% for 4 days then start using the full dose, the dose the fertilizer label tells you to put
keep in your head that fertilizers will lower you PH level, so if your using tap water which is usually 8.0-8.5 PH level, mixing it with a fertilizer usually lowers it down to 6.0 - 7.0
which is what your aiming already
since you are using CFL's you wont have any problem with heat, yet dont feed your plants from the first week as i mentioned above
since you dont want them to get that tall, after the first week lower your lights to about 2 feet tall above your plant, and after the 3rd week lower it 1 feet above the plant aslong as you have air around the place the plant in to controll the heat, and after the 1st week change the lights to 18/6 then after the 3rd week change the lights to 12/12 to make sure it starts buding early so it wont get that tall yet yield alot
hope this helps