New Grower Need some advice! On my think different dwc

What i have learned from growing TD is that it can take it. Did the leaves start to yellow after you dropped the ppm if so get her back up if she is looking ok at 500 ppm keep it there and boost her up as you go along. Star putting the food to her bro.
No before about a week but starting to get worse I thought it was something to do with the light till I searched it so that's why I've lowered the ppm to 335 which I find strange as other td grows I've seen have been higher at the stage I'm at
The yellowing of the tips is nute burn, so it was a good decision to lower the ppm.
I would keep it under 400ppm for atleast another 2 weeks, don't worry about them lower leaves to much, the new growth up top looks good. I do see an issue thou... its your RH its wayyy to low. Your RH (relative humditiy) can effect the plants ability to uptake nutes. I experienced this personally with HIGH RH. YOu should be in the 50 percent to 60 percent range. 27 percent is to low.
Thanks bro I didn't know that I thought only high humidity was just in early stage, I've had problem trying to get it stable as I'm in a cheap custom made canvas wardrobe which isn't sufficient lol but I've bought a 1.2x1.2x2 tent it's just having to time to sort it all out and get it up and running but I'll get on with tht today hopefully! I'll try update later on progress thanks you guys.