Nov 1, 2018
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I am using a 600 watt mh/hps light with a 4x4x7 tent. Planning on using ffof with the ff trio plus bud candy and cal mag on my second grow. Growing devils cream auto.

All that being said what is a good feeding schedule with the above nutes? Any advice is greatly appreciated!
If no one gets back to you, then start at 1/4 strength and see what they tell you.

Sent from my comfy chair
top advise rolling along follow the feeds schedule but id never go above half overfeeding is a bastard to fix underfeeding is always better till you know how they handle it
I am using a 600 watt mh/hps light with a 4x4x7 tent. Planning on using ffof with the ff trio plus bud candy and cal mag on my second grow. Growing devils cream auto.

All that being said what is a good feeding schedule with the above nutes? Any advice is greatly appreciated!
I’m using the fftrio and I feed my Mephisto double grape like she’s anorexic.... I’m no growing vet, but I saw things go wrong in our first grow and with her being my technical first grow, I didn’t want to risk anything like that... the plant will always tell you what they want! You just gotta pay closer attention and nip it in the ass quick... perk of being a stay at home parent.... I’m here constantly so I monitor her like my babies:bighug:

Good luck man!!!:vibes::goodluck::highfive: