:tiphat: Ahh! Much better....thanks
True! Agreed, not bugs (per LHT pics confusion)-LOL! lighting makes all the difference sometimes,... Okay, I'm still leaning toward what mentioned at LHT, but still can't say if it's not one or both Ca and Mn defc.'s :slaps:,...sometimes there's more than a little similarity between their possible symptoms, and where they manifest as well (both are immobile nute's, and tend to show in upper areas)....Ca has a few less common manifestations besides the typical random fine rusty spotting,... here's some pics to show what I mean... often, a tell with Ca is that the spotting/necrotic patches track along the lateral veins, but with Mn, it can do this too, as well as the interveinal necrotic patches; seems Mn will yellow out the leaf more overall vs. Ca:
**Ca defc.; last pic shows more advanced symptoms, bigger dead patches--->
Mn defc.; goods pics are scarce,... but here's couple-->
>>> So, I'd go with what good brother Kush' mentioned-- up that Ca-Mg, and if you have a micronutrient supplement (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu,...), dose with that as well, just to cover the bases...