New Grower N4W's First ever Hillbilly:) grow attempt HighRise Seeds Auto Fire99 Fem

Hahahaha Boo Boo the mutant.. I have a mutant Buddha Magnum...standing at a whopping 10.5 inches tall at 12 weeks of age.....I adore her, she's so fkn cute, I want her to live on lol.... her name upon germing was Fifi. But since about week 4 she has been "Honey Boo Boo Child" LOL

Vas if Honey Boo Boo Child wasn't planted in the ground, we could get together for the kids to have a play date. Maybe take them to the local Botanic Garden and make fun of the normal plants. Maybe even start a club ... Mutant Ninja Cana :rofl:

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The pleasure is all mine brother! Thanks for having me!

I also love mutants lol always have... I actually have one right now. A thunder bloody Mary. She's a funky little bush. Here's some mutant karma!!

Rebel I had to check the shower where I have my Herbies grow right now. I have 3 of the Thunder Blood Marys along with 6 other autos from my Herbies order and I knew one of them was a mutant. About a 1 in 3 chance I would say, lol. Anyways I went and examined them all closely as the mutant was one of the first true sets of leaves, so I had to spy around a little. It turned out to be a free Cheese I got from 00 seeds. If you'd like to check out that grow, here is the link ... ... :peace:
Day 64

Both the girls are doing ok now, although they got way too thirsty about a week ago. Thanks to Fox Farm Boomarang, they've come back as strong as ever. I fed them earlier today and plan on increasing there watering to daily as long as the weather stays in the mid to upper 80's. I'm about a week away from transplanting these girls into their permanent home and I wish I had a couple more like them, (in my state it's a misdeameanor to grow less than 5 plants). Oh well, hopefully next year. Also, somehow one of Brenda's lower stems got broken, (in the pic it's the branch that you can see, but not the top). As always, any tips, comments, observations, questions are always welcome ... Peace


HighRise Fire99 Photoperiod AKA Brenda


HighRise Fire99 Photoperiod AKA Kay
Since I lost the pictures of the Fire99 autos somewhere in cyberspace I didn't bother to update them. So here are Yogi and Boo Boo the Muntant in all there stunted glory, lol. Believe it or not, they are 4 weeks old. Between the 1/2 gallon fabric pots and too much time spent in my storage building to escape the rain and cold, (let's not forget the frost that had them shivering), these little ladies have really had it rough. I'm still hope that one will be male so I can have some more of these Fire99's to run again. Also, I wouldn't mind crossing one of the photoperiods not to make an auto, but to have some more photoperiod beans, (if they flower a little early all the better). Anyways, as always questions, comments, ect are always welcome .... Peace!

Well it seems I've been neglecting the obvious as Brenda and Kay's lower leaves have been yellowing and dying. You can plainly see it in the most recent pics I published just a few days ago, and you can also see in these pictures as well ... the situation hasn't changed. My first thought was a ph and/or nitrogen problem, but after checking in at a healthy 6.5 I ruled out ph. I doubled the fish emulsion a couple days ago, but I didn't see any noticeable difference. Last night as I was trying to go to sleep it suddenly dawned on me ... I hadn't really worried about getting the girls any phosphorus or potassium as: 1) they had plenty in the soil when they were first planted. 2) I mistakenly believed they were getting it in the Fox Farm Big Bloom. and 3) I guess I really wasn't worrying about it since they were vegging. I'm really glad I had these girls going as I have been doing the same thing with my auto grow. So this morning I watered 1 gallon with 10 ml of Fox Farm Tiger Bloom for my entire grow, plus a few sprinkles of time release on Brenda and Kay. Until next time ... Peace!!!






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Some plants seem to have a fine line between over and under feeding. Good job in working out so fast. Looks like shes going to be a beast bro

They've been real troopers with all the abuse they have suffered. I was just lucky that I figured out the problem which specifically was a potassium deficiency "Older leaves turn yellow then start getting dark, scorched lesions around the edges of the leaves. Plants may stretch and stems may become weak. The symptoms are very similar to an iron deficiency except the tips of the leaves curl as the edges burn and die."