Outdoor N.E Scotland guerrilla grow

All mine are going outside, live in a flat with no room and kids. there 6 days old and going fast like lol. do you think my "balls" one will finish growing early or will it go until end of season? not to sure to put the super autos next to them, already got 5 photos there, all bought females and 1 f grapefruit at a different location but the ground there is pure clay. means having to drive and spend time looking for one.
Are these destined for outside? - or is this part of a mixed indoor/outdoor - just curious I have three Purple Ryders about a week ahead of those - just not sure where to stick them - but it will have to be outdoor here or given away.

Re my with balls - cool - well the photo didn't help but before those boys dangled they looked a bit like your pic. but glad you got a girl - nothing worse than bad news - I'd keep an eye on her anyway - all my kids have turned into sneaky people who do their own thing... why should I assume my plants are any different....

Put them outside but harden them off first. Im trying to stay away from the low rider genetics. my mate done them indoor and they didn't come out too good and was only a couple oz if that so I duno what will happen outside. if you use proper soil an that u will probs still get summit
I actually like the Ryder Genetics - a bit of experimentation this year with Diesel Ryder and the late started Purple Ryder. I suppose it depends what you want from a plant. The Lowryder does have a low yield - but it's small and compact and easily hidden among the flowerbeds. For me the Lowryder gave me a high CBD content which is what I want as opposed to stuff off the street which is all Sativa and uber THC. Suppose it depends if you're growing for the high or medicinally.

Personally I like a bit of both hence experimenting with some of the Ryder genetic crosses :) + I don't have the space to grow larger plants will attract MORE attention than the ones I have.
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fair enough mate,stealth is everything. my Jamaican berrys ment to be medium thc but has the blueberry through it so hoping for a tastey one haha. if it covers the bill give it a shot lol
Just an update on my Grapefruit photoperiod defo female.had a mate check it out :)


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And my super autos


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Making cakes for the misses bday lol


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As many of us have hijacked Cannasseurs thread as NE Scotland growers I just thought I'd give you an update @ spliffville.

After a couple of weeks in Costa (Spain - not the coffee shop) (at least 2 outdoor crops to be had there) I came back to find my girls neglected and somewhat er... pruned.

The Girls are mostly going well and flowering well. Some better than others.

The NL Autos are the best performing so far this year (in the soil).




The Diesel Ryders are fairing a lot worse - I have one in a pot and two in the soil.

The pot one is doing well but the two in the soil less so. One got a bad infestation of blackfly (which seems localised to the one plant despite its proximity to a NL). So it got a quick blast of soapy water and a little methanol (its early flower so I dont think the little alcohol will wash out much - better to get rid of the beasties as organically as possible - but I'm open to advice - at the allotment I'd Pyrethrum the buggers on anything like that accept fruits.

DR1 (pot)


DR2 (soil) (infested)


DR3 (soil)


The Mighty Midget Auto is going well and budding up - it does seem to throw a lot of close up bud sites - so will need to watch these closely for mould later. This one was a slow starter and stretched for light.



The 'mutant of this year' a Mighty Midget that was slow to start throwing only one leaf per side has now matured a bit and has started bud formation - its now throwing three leaves/bud sites per node (yer there will be a technical term for that but life's short and there's only so much info a toker can digest from this website). But I have high hopes for this wee plant (it may even have to come back indoors if our season becomes short due to wet weather) - just don't tell the wife what all those lightbulbs in my suitcase were for... (Oferta = 3euro for a 40W CFL - yes please - even if they're only for starting off or finishing).

MAA Mutant


Then there were the late starters - since our summer started and continues to be poor I thought I'd start some late Purple Ryders - I had intended to pot them so they could go back into the coldframe - but rush to holiday and trying to finish off some stuff for a client meant they got dumped into a vacant bit of flowerbed or risk them drying out through neglect - I may remove these (albeit stunting them) for the pot option.



Two legged pruners - well when you leave the eldest teenage daughter and her 'grunge' tattoo infested boyfriend (and no doubt friends) to look after (water) the beasts what do you expect. To their credit they only took some lower and mid buds and left the main stems intact. To be honest I'm more concerned that another person 'knows' there are plants there than anything they took....

But as we say in the N.E. - Aa kin farr ye bide!!
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Looking mighty fine spliffscot.how they handling the weather.i moved house,got no net to update but mines doing good.got my super autos out to.put pics up later.had to tie down ma photos as well.they need a trim but as its my first time I haven't done it,baw baggin it haha.
I've got a patch off mould!!


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