As many of us have hijacked Cannasseurs thread as NE Scotland growers I just thought I'd give you an update @ spliffville.
After a couple of weeks in Costa (Spain - not the coffee shop) (at least 2 outdoor crops to be had there) I came back to find my girls neglected and somewhat er... pruned.
The Girls are mostly going well and flowering well. Some better than others.
The NL Autos are the best performing so far this year (in the soil).
The Diesel Ryders are fairing a lot worse - I have one in a pot and two in the soil.
The pot one is doing well but the two in the soil less so. One got a bad infestation of blackfly (which seems localised to the one plant despite its proximity to a NL). So it got a quick blast of soapy water and a little methanol (its early flower so I dont think the little alcohol will wash out much - better to get rid of the beasties as organically as possible - but I'm open to advice - at the allotment I'd Pyrethrum the buggers on anything like that accept fruits.
DR1 (pot)
DR2 (soil) (infested)
DR3 (soil)
The Mighty Midget Auto is going well and budding up - it does seem to throw a lot of close up bud sites - so will need to watch these closely for mould later. This one was a slow starter and stretched for light.
The 'mutant of this year' a Mighty Midget that was slow to start throwing only one leaf per side has now matured a bit and has started bud formation - its now throwing three leaves/bud sites per node (yer there will be a technical term for that but life's short and there's only so much info a toker can digest from this website). But I have high hopes for this wee plant (it may even have to come back indoors if our season becomes short due to wet weather) - just don't tell the wife what all those lightbulbs in my suitcase were for... (Oferta = 3euro for a 40W CFL - yes please - even if they're only for starting off or finishing).
MAA Mutant
Then there were the late starters - since our summer started and continues to be poor I thought I'd start some late Purple Ryders - I had intended to pot them so they could go back into the coldframe - but rush to holiday and trying to finish off some stuff for a client meant they got dumped into a vacant bit of flowerbed or risk them drying out through neglect - I may remove these (albeit stunting them) for the pot option.
Two legged pruners - well when you leave the eldest teenage daughter and her 'grunge' tattoo infested boyfriend (and no doubt friends) to look after (water) the beasts what do you expect. To their credit they only took some lower and mid buds and left the main stems intact. To be honest I'm more concerned that another person 'knows' there are plants there than anything they took....
But as we say in the N.E. - Aa kin farr ye bide!!