Outdoor N.E Scotland guerrilla grow


I had to do some severe pruning in the hope of saving lower buds.

I hope you've pruned out the mould (its a bugger to get rid of unless you catch it early tho - sometimes better to just take the whole plant and salvage what you can - esp. if it has unaffected neighbours).

Mouldy bits just starting. All were starting on the denser main cola buds so I just cut the plant in half taking all the infected material leaving the lower buds in the hope that they will continue to fatten up.

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My blackfly infested Diesel Ryder never recovered and made for an early wee smoke of mediocre weed - the second outdoor DR had its fate sealed by the wee kids next door retrieving a football and got trampled, so it went into my odour free drying space (those Diesel genetics stink). It's now curing. The Northern Lights top buds are being gradually liberated from curing - purely as a commiseration exercise (cough).

So this leaves outside 1/2 a NL + a NL which is a loose bud pheno - not at all like the other that got mould. And the 3 late started Purple Ryders which although they look like they are in soil are actually in pots covered over - I'm still hoping they don't get anything before there's space in the coldframe for them.

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So my 'crop' hope stays with the 3 left in the coldframe. I've been weather watching and closing it up if it looks like it might rain - scurrying in and out like an auld wifey tending her washing trying to keep those buds dry. The Diesel Ryder is probably closest to finishing - leaves starting to yellow - but I still reckon she has about 3-4 weeks to go - eek.
The two Mighty Midgets (one mutant) are still looking a way off yet (sigh).

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This doesn't bode well for the three Purple Ryders which need this space if they are to survive into 1st frosts ha ha). Shame I cant bring them indoors and finish under lights.

Wonder how other Northerners are getting on?
sorry to hear your probs mate , they are looking good as well. after a few weeks of shock my super autos have got upto like half a foot and 1 out 3 has started flowering. my photos are getting huge and stinking but not so much flowers and my monster had rot :( and my photos have a nitrogen deficiency


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Wonder how other Northerners are getting on?

Not at all really, I haven't even got a tomato thus far, not sure I'll harvest any buds before we get a frost. The only plant I have which looks like it could do anything this year is needing to come indoors every night to keep the mould at bay after being struck at one of the branch nodes on the main stem a fortnight ago. Usually I'd be almost knee deep in tomatoes by this time of year.

Thanks be to Grownorthern for providing us with alternative sources of illumination and sustenance...
Hey man gutted to read about that nasty ass mould. I feel you man us up here in Scotland are constantly fighting a losing battle with the impending shit weather. I haven't checked mine in over a week but I'm pleased to say the weathers actually been not too bad since I last visited so I'm quite optomistic. Your right on ripping that mould out as soon as it appears but always try do it in as sterile clean way as possible and don't go then fondle the rest of them buds. Or yeah just sacrifice the hole plant to try and save the innocent healthy ones. But DAMN son you got some nice looking plants there I wish mine looked as fine! The ones in the coldframe especially. Hopefully check MA hunnies in few days and fingers crossed the nice weather lasts...amen.
Thanks Dr Rob (I do seem to have green fingers). I'm surprised at the results really because that spot only gets full sun from about 11am till 6pm - and then 8 till 10 (full summer) - which isn't a lot.

Re Mould : Well the way I figure it with mould is once you've got it it's damage limitation rather than eradication. Hence my my own method is to take the infected stem/sideshoot entirely - and if its the main cola you can be sure the spores have already been washed downwards into the rest of the plant (so the remaining lower buds, which are usually less mature, need regular checking but it's all about eeking out the available time to finish).

Things spiral downhill from here - the MMA (mutant) in the coldframe got mould on the main cola - so it's looks like 'evil bonsai beastie' now. The Diesel Ryder in the coldframe got blackfly << since this was the closest to natural finish I treated it like mould and just halved the plant taking all the infested spots with it (interestingly this was only visible from the underside of the fan leaves - from the top looking down and in a quick side to side inspection of the cola for mould I missed this infestation. I suspect the yellowing fan leaves proved an attractive weak target spot. It was really too late to try and treat so out come the pruning tools. The loose bud NL left in the ground also got mould and got the chop too :( Had hoped that it might want to fatten a bit.

While well behind my cropping expectations this year I think a couple of years of nice summers lulled me into a false security and expectation of what I could achieve outdoors. Still I am accumulating more weed in jars curing than I'm smoking (it will run out so isn't self sufficient - oh the dreams of that).

So we're down to : in the ground (in sunken pots) (2x Purple Ryders) and in the coldframe 1x Mighty Midget, 1/2 a Deisel Ryder, and 1/2 a Mighty Midget (mutant), plus one of the Purple Ryders (the most mature).

I prey for sun and NO unexpected frosts for the Purples to finish he he.
hows the grow coming? ive got flowers on my super autos! fighting the mould aswell. its working slowly :)
hey guys I mixed simple shower wash ( no additives perfume etc ) with warm water , washed my mould with it then hit the mould patchs with 100 percent isolate alcohol ( hand wash ). It has defo slowed it down and some has not even returned. been doing it for about 3 weeks now twice a week. only 1 out my 10 plants got mould