Indoor Mz.W's perpetual grow...grow journal

Miz Dub!

Bout friggen time :)
Sir Botwin - how many plants you got in there? I wanna say at least 5...that one has so many colas though, it's hard to tell haha
That was my first grow in the tent and it was 5 plants. It was a bit tight even with a couple of them being small. I did four the next time and it was much better. You can arrange them in a variety of diamond and square shapes as they grow wider. I couple of them were 3 feet tall and I never felt like I was out of space. Previously I had a 2x4 tent with very few options for rearranging the plants, so I love having the square tent.


So we've already covered the fact that I've got enough nutes for a small marijuana army.

But. I'm curious about these...additives, if you will.

250 ml - SugarDaddy
250 ml – ROOT 66
125 ml - Thrive Alive B-1 Red
125 ml - Thrive Alive B-1 Green
125 ml - MagiCal
125 ml - Awesome Blossoms

and Advanced Nutrients Overdrive

It seems like most of them are primarily beneficial during flowering...which is completely fine as i'm in no hurry to start pumping my girls full of different stuff. Hell - they havent even broken the soil yet lol I'm more concerned about do I want to use them and if the answer is yes, how to use them.

The Thrive Alive B-1 Green sounds like it would be good if I decide to LST.
"When used weekly as a foliar spray throughout the vegetative cycle and into the first week of flowering, it nurtures a “green up” effect: keeping leaves strong and lush, while promoting cellular division at the internodes."

The MagiCal sounds pretty solid...
"Incorporated in your regular feeding program MagiCal™ increases flower bud absorption and improves the nutritional quality of plants while correcting nutrient related plant deficiencies such as grape stem rot, grass tetany, tip burn in lettuce, blackheart in celery, blossom end rot in tomato or watermelon, and bitter pit in apple.
In addition to correcting nutrient deficiencies, MagiCal™: accelerates protein syntheses, maintains high starch content in crops, improves the density of fruit and the production of essential oils, creates lush and greener foliage, and maintains a healthy root system."

And actually, the grow boom and boost don't sound too bad either lol
"Unlike other brands that include micronutrients in only one part of the formula, both B.C Grow™ and B.C Bloom™ contain a full complement of micronutrients which are bolstered by the added calcium and iron in B.C Boost™.
Minimal pH drift is assured, eliminating the need for constant adjustments. Growers can greatly reduce cleaning time and expenditure, as B.C. Hydroponic Nutrients™ allow only minimal salt build-up."

Sold. lol maybe I'll do one with my AN trio and one with the BC Nutrients.

^^^^^^typed that up yesterday and evidently never posted it lol.

since then, i posted a thread asking if anyone knew anything about Green Planet Naturals soil. I'd give it a bumpity-bump, but I believe K ordered soil this morning...but more on that later lol. Does anyone who reads my journal know anything about it? It seems like a pretty solid soil to me....THIS is the link to the post I made about the soil.

So about K ordering soil...I just went to the amazon cart and apparently this man decided to go on an amazon shopping spree lol But he did apparently order some soil. Looks like we've got some FF Happy Frog some Roots Organics, and then he's got some other crap and fans in there lol far as soils go...whats the deal?
Should I make a mix of the two, or should I use them individually?
What impact does it have on the way I feed? I.E.- I'm used to feeding after the first 2 weeks, and starting out at 1/4 of the recommended strength on the bottle, and gradually working my way up from there.
But this is completely different soil as A- I've never used it before and B- its the first time I wasn't working from a soil that, by itself, is too hot -aka FFOF.
So do I start giving nutes earlier with these because i'm starting out with a lighter soil?

uggg the questions in my headdddd lol
Drum roll please!

ok, so its not exciting enough to warrant a drum roll.
I just like drum rolls :thumbs:

Here are the pictures of the new tent all set up
So..basically.....don't ask me any questions about the way its set up, cause I don't get the whole intake/exhaust and CFM, freakin....thing, lol so I looked at K and said, it's all you buddy, have a good time with that, lol. so I know that the ducting on the right hand side is taking the hot air off the light and dumping it into this....passive intake? Something? lol thats here on the wall. IDFK lol. and i know that the ducting on the left is connected to the fan and the carbon filter? I think? I dont freakin know. I really dont lol. I said, you got questions? Take em somewhere else, lmao.
And I know there is a 2nd fan on the way. We're battling humidity, rather the lack there of. It started out at 25% RH.
blink. blink blink.
So I wet a towel wrung it out and stuck it on top of the light to try and raise it.
It didn't help lol. did a *smidgeon* but it only went up to 30%. Whooooo, watch out lol. So were going to put the humidifier IN the tent and the rest...again, I don't know lol Something about the fan and regulating the temp and on the humidifier you can set it for the birds lol

Currently there are 3 plants in the tent...and actually. its 2 seeds and a baby lol It's so toot!
We got Fast Bud, Pandora, and a Critical+. We'll grow out these 3 while were waiting for the seed order to get here. Plus. It's been a while, I'm rusty lol

1st baby.jpg1st baby 2.jpg
I've just spent my entire afternoon reading all of this. what a great way to while away the hour's, getting educated and entertained!"kudos":slap:
Ahhh. New beginnings. lol

We now have 2 little babies:) Critical+ poked her head through the soil today...

I'm gonna go head and say that the Pandora beans I got were duds. Granted, it can take 7-10 days for it to come through the soil....buuuutt....i'm not holdin' my breath lol.

Soo, we were supposed to get the new fan and ducting today (yeah, apparently mail gets delivered on Sundays now?! lol K googled it and i'll be damned it they didnt start doing sunday deliveries late last year lol).
That, my friends did NOT happen.
Someone...somewhere, fucked up and decided to send it to the right address.....wrong zip code.
AND NO IT WASNT US!! lol we ordered from amazon, and amazon clearly has our correct zip code lol. So we get an automated message from amazon saying that it was being returned due to an 'undeliverable address' to 'contact my postal provider.'
Im blinking profusely... Right now.
AND! AAAAAAAAAAAND tomorrow is Martin Luther King Day and the post office is closed! lol Like....REALLY?!

So another day (er...a few lol) will have to go by where the grow tent is less than perfect. Dont get it twisted, it works just fine..better than even lol, with the exception of the humidity. Currently we've got a humidifier blowing into the tent, but that is clearly, not cutting the cake...(and yes there's a reason....something about the air being exchanged too often to keep in humidity or SOMETHING like that haha).

So, I've been trying to google a few things, and im not really coming up with a solid answer, so maybe one of you lovely AFN folk can tell me lol.

1- I want to know if I can/or/should mix the roots organic with the happy frog.
I read somewhere that mixing the two ends up burning the plants? But....I don't really get that, since each on its own is fine...soo yeah lol. i would like to mix the two in an attempt to stretch the soils. Cause he didn't order big ole bags, he got 12 quarts of the happy frog and (2) two .75CF bags of roots. That's clearly a 'just for now' order lol. And I don't have the new bean order yet, so I don't necessarily need a bunch of soil at this point in time lol.

2- Can the humidifier go right inside the tent??

I'm wonderin if because the humidity is so low with the humidifier just blowing in, if it would help to put it inside?
I've just spent my entire afternoon reading all of this. what a great way to while away the hour's, getting educated and entertained!"kudos":slap:

hahah! Awesome! I'm glad someone made some use out of my pointless banter! lol If you're interested, take a look at my old grow journal. There is a lot of really random talk of stretching uterus' vs hermaphrodite plants (lmao) but there are some hidden gems in there too! Automaria 2 and Speed Devil Grow Journal It was my first auto grow so I definitely knew less than I know now lol
2- Can the humidifier go right inside the tent??

I'm wonderin if because the humidity is so low with the humidifier just blowing in, if it would help to put it inside?

I always put mine inside the tent. Works fine unless you have too much exhaust going on. Then all your moist air is just getting sucked right out of the tent. When I am fighting low humidity I use my speed controller and slow down the fan as much as possible.
ok. So I haven't messed with it

....yet lol

And I probably won't cause its only the cotyledon....BUT. lol

It seems as though Critical+ has some....afterbirth, if you will lol, hangin out on one of her seed leaves.
The only reason that I wanna it like a scab, lol, is cause its just...irritating hahah.


Oh. And apparently I was high when I was planting lol
I thought amazon had accidentally sent us an extra 3 gallon pot ( know. it wouldnt be the first time they've sent us extra of something lol) but apparently amazon sent us an extra pot....only its a 5 gallon and not a 3 gallon ......and i JUST noticed lol hence this one not being as full with soil since I mixed a bunch and divvied it out between the pots and figured I just didn't mix enough lol. no. no. its just a bigger pot lol
it doesn't matter that its not all the way full.....right? lol
So that is baby critical. Fucking....tall as ever, 2nd day out of the ground lol. I'm wonderin if my light isnt too far away. I's pretty damn close as it is, but since its air cooled, im wondering if it shouldn't be closer. Cause Fast Bud is pretty tall too...not nearly as tall as Critical, but the critical was tall last time (to begin with), too. :dunno:

Also thinking about either replacing the HPS with the MH we have (the ballast will also run a 250w) or hanging up some blue spec CFL. Im leaning towards the CFL just because its good to have some of both specs.

picture of fast bud just before i gave her a drink :)

I want to yank off her seed casing too, but again. only because it irritates me lol