Indoor Mz.W's perpetual grow...grow journal

Mmmmm diesel my favorite! All soild choices I have yet to see someone grow HSO sour diesel but it is next on my list. Cotc have some pretty giid strains from what I've seen over the past year I'd think being a NYC diesel cross it should be a good one. Have not seen anything about jack diesel but jack and diesel is two awesome strains. Another diesel strain if your interested in looking is Sweet Seeds ice cool auto. Good to see you back around was just thinking I have not seen you online just the other day. Love to see another diesel fan also!:Sharing One:
After countless hours of stoned internal debate and ranting with Eyes on Fire, I think I've come up with a plan...mayyybe 2 lol.

so its been ranted many a time, about the amount of space vs amount of light I have available to me in this closet. Eyes suggested I cordon off a section of the closet and grow in the smaller, sectioned off area.

So option 1 would be I say fuck it and just invest in a tent, throw the whole thing in the closet, and call it a day lol.

And option 2 would be Panda Plastic. So as its been, there's been a big ole construction site 'road closed' sign blocking off the smallest portion of the closet...which was done at the start of the second grow, in an attempt to make my grow area smaller.
Fail. IJS, lol.
So instead of growing in that huge section of the closet, I can move the road closed sign, cover those surrounding walls with the mylar I have left and then taking velcro and velcro-ing the panda plastic to the ceiling....which to the best of my knowledge, panda plastic is just a big ole tarp, but one side is black and the other side is a reflective white. But then that leaves the issue of how will I make a door, that won't be a pain in the ass, and will be convenient to go in and out of.

It almost seems like that would be more of a hassle then its worth and I should just invest in a tent thats already got a functional door of sorts, and exhaust and intake holes already cut out so essentially, alls i gotta do is stick stuff in the appropriate hole.......
LMFAO.ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha:crying:
I honest to god, didn't even mean to phrase it that way. As I'm finishing up the sentence, I realized what I just typed. And then legitimately LOL'd. I hope Chandy sees this ahahahah.

Yeah, there's no coming back from that, I got nothin now lol
I like tents because they have several appropriate and inappropriate holes lol! This works nicely for me lol
alls i gotta do is stick stuff in the appropriate hole.......
LMFAO.ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha:crying:
I honest to god, didn't even mean to phrase it that way. As I'm finishing up the sentence, I realized what I just typed.

We have a saying here in the UK "any holes a goal" lol
I would go with tent...easy to clean and maintain,holes and door already in place, and quick to put up and quick to go down just in case of any surprise visits from landlord etc
Here's the exact one I have and couldn't possibly be happier with it. It's my first one so I don't know what other ones have, but I can't seem to think of anything it's missing lol. It's the size and shape that could fit in a closet, but they have a bunch of different sizes and shapes to fit whatever space :)
The fabric feels really thick on this one, which I really like. I can be abusive on my gear and it takes it well.
So somehow I managed to convince K that the only sensible option was for us to get a tent - and I argued it good, you shoulda seen me, I was like a monster lol So, now that I got him on board (Cause, you know. he's the pockets lol) Ive been looking around at some different tents and reading reviews on said tents. (I know theres a whole section on the forum for tents, I was looking at it earlier, but once again, I ramble WAY too much to make anyone have to FORCIBLY scroll past my unnecessary long post(s) lol.) I've noticed that a lot of models are light specific - ex. LED only. Obviously I would want one acceptable for a 250W HID lighting system/ballast/whatever the fuck you want to call it lol. But I read somewhere that a 250W HID gives off a 3x3 area of, how was it phrased? Useful illumination? lol idk either way. I suppose my question is, what is the ideal sized tent for a 250W?
I feel like I'm a noob all over again just...the "tweaking the grow room to get it right" noob and not the "help!! why do my plants have red stems, *gasp* WHAT HAVE I DONE?!?!?" noob lol (And i mean nothing malicious by that, because I've bee there, too lol...i think we all have)
I was thinking about this one, but I dont know enough about growing in a tent to know if a 250W HID is overkill in a space that small that is also 100% reflective from all angles? Do I get a bigger tent and hang the CFL bulbs in there what to do lol
I'm gonna have to go diggin around the tent part of the forum some more lol

I like tents because they have several appropriate and inappropriate holes lol! This works nicely for me lol
I've always said, if I had a dick, I would stick it in everything LOL And not even in a sexual way, but if I randomly woke up one morning with a fun new appendage that I can go around and stick in shit, I'd be like a 2 year old near a light socket with a metal fork lol "well gee. I wonder what would happen if I just go on ahead and dangle this thing in this here hole in the ground and wait.....I think I we're going to find out!!" And now I've got no dick and should probably go get a rabies shot lol.

We have a saying here in the UK "any holes a goal" lo
Sounds like something my dad would say haha. I come from a pretty fucked up family LOL during my late teens - early 20's up my dad took up this cute little habit where we would sit at the window smoking a joint, and he would hoot and holler at these random girls while they were walking down the street lol 'yeah baby you shake that little ass you little vixen you' and it was hilarious the way he would say it, but disturbing in the same breath because they were like...12 & 13 year old little girls lmfao. Like Dad. Really? lol You are quite possibly the creepiest, dirtiest old man. Ever. lmao And don't even make an attempt to watch the female gymnastics portion the olympics with him rotfl And the worst part of it? Everyone has always said to me (and to him) that we are exactly the same. And I never understood it... until AGT this year with the super hot contortionist. She did something and I went 'ooo yeah, can you do that one again?'
K looks me dead in my face and said "OK Chris."
:Brain Fog..:oh my god, I'm my dad. lmao
LOL I too am just about to place a seed order as well!!LMFAO!!Did ya look at that cropical fruit ?mmmm gettin me one o dem nooo doubt.

But ya got da pocket on board eh?:roflcry:ya wont be sorry LOL!imho,your going to want to buy something that you can grow me!! and just an fyi,with that plastic sheeting,they make heavy duty plastic and metal zippers for that very reason for making OPENINGS to STICK STUFF INTO LMFAo spoken like a true pervert LMFAO!!but if ya got a 250 n a few cfl's Id start looking at no less than a 4X4,and with HID's your biggest thing is headroom,especially the higher Wattage ya go too.and venting the hood if you have heat issues too.big issue with HID's.thats why I like T5 n LED. but sounds like ya gots some thinkin ta do ,ta daaah eh?ok fine LMFAo Im baked liver alone LOL!:Sharing One:
Haha there was a red stem thread today, it reminded me sooo much of my first round, my smurfberry got red stems and I was like "Ohhh GREAT! What the F is this now?!"
possible new plan?


questions. I know, whose surprised lol.
who wants to guess what they're about? hahaha, it is indeed. still about the tent lol. well...sort of haha.

So after a bit of banter back and forth with the boyfriend, I couldn't convince him to invest in a complete kit. They have a 400W complete kit for 460 bucks. And when I say complete kit, I mean they give you the tent, the ballast, the bulb, 5 7gal grow bags, soil, nutes, timers, thermometer/hydrometer, pH and TD meters, and fans. And I might even still be missing some things....for less than 500 bucks. Like it's an ABSURDLY good deal. The tent might not be a top of the line 100% light proof tent, but it would do just fine, I'm sure. (and just in case anyone is intrigued by this ridiculous deal it's here.)
But alas, I could not convince him to invest. And in all fairness, he did just solely pay for our week long Disney Adventure lol..

So I'm we really even need a tent? Keep the set up, as far as the fan placement and what not. Take down the mylar thats in the closet now, re-hang it - well this time lol, and then hang both of the 250W ballasts we have, giving us 500W of total HID light, not to mention that we still have all the CFL we can add as well if we need it.
Here's the problem though (and this is all just shit floating around in my head lol I have yet to actually verbalize this to him lol i did however tell him my Eureka moment about hanging both ballasts lol).
Only one of the ballasts we own does both MH and HPS. K said that he could never find a MH bulb at the right wattage and the right socket. So that simply means we do a full HPS grow, right? Like..people do that all the time, no? Only other option is to hang all the blue CFL around the plants im growing in addition to the MH/HPS compatible ballast until flower then switch to all red spec.
Am I nuts or does this sound like it would work?

And we'll have to get new, bigger fans since there would be an extra 250W ballast big? What would I need to control the heat that will be generated?
And keep it simple, cause we all know Im not the sharpest tool in the shed and most technological things go right over my head, lol.
::EDIT: The final size of the re-constructed closet, if you will, lol would be something like this -

so in addition to what size fans I would need, do I actually have enough light for this to be feasible?
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