Indoor Mz.W's perpetual grow...grow journal

Good afternoon Mz. W.:Sharing One:
I'll have to say that HTG gear is a great bang for the buck.
I have a store locally and rap with the workers often.
Still have 2 of their 250w MH and HPS kits. I'm actually running one right now in one of my 2' tents..
I am a big fan of growing in tents.
I've done the closet grows and tents make it all so much easier. Especially regarding easy access to the plants.
I'd highly recommend running the lights with the ballasts outside of the tent or closet to help keep temps down.
I've used a 250w HPS and a 250w MH in a 2'x2.5'x7' tent with no heat issues using only a desk fan as intake/exhaust.
I ran both ballasts outside of the tent.
I would however suggest staying away from 400w units.
It's an oddball size lamp and may be hard to find. Or you may get stuck using only HTG lamps.
If you could, I'd suggest going to a 600w if your set on going with HPS.
Much more availability of bulbs and hoods/reflectors.
I have an HTG digital 600w HPS. Thing has been working great for the past year.
I think it cost $250 for ballast, bulb and hood..
The other good deal with HTG is they warranty all their bulbs(MH, HPS, T5) for a year.
That in itself is why I buy my t5's from them.
Have you checked into LED? That may be a better alternative all around.
I've been getting increasingly better results with my MarsII LED's.
Hope my ramblings may help..
Time for my afternoon safety meeting.
Have a great day Mz. W.:Sharing One:
Thanks! We're actually trying to avoid buying a new lighting system. We already have 2 HTG ballasts., They are both 250W but only one of them can use both HPS and MH bulbs. All of the other grows, we did in fact run the lights with the ballast outside of the closet, because you're right on that. They do. Get HOT. We never ran both lights simultaneously.

bringing me to my next grow journal-icious rant
ok kids, I'm going to need you to contain your excitement ;) haha

I was doing some googling on what size light works best for what size grow room/tent. I came across this thread in my travels. The comment underneath the original post says that they've used a 250W HPS in a 60 x 60 tent and it was plenty. I'm just thinking..if the space I have to grow in, is 62x45, 500W would be more than

I'm also thinking about ordering some of this and throwing it into the room with them. Since I don't have any sort of co2 system going, (even though I know having one isnt 100% necessary) it can't hurt anything to get a bag or two, right?
Thanks! We're actually trying to avoid buying a new lighting system. We already have 2 HTG ballasts., They are both 250W but only one of them can use both HPS and MH bulbs. All of the other grows, we did in fact run the lights with the ballast outside of the closet, because you're right on that. They do. Get HOT. We never ran both lights simultaneously.

bringing me to my next grow journal-icious rant
ok kids, I'm going to need you to contain your excitement ;) haha

I was doing some googling on what size light works best for what size grow room/tent. I came across this thread in my travels. The comment underneath the original post says that they've used a 250W HPS in a 60 x 60 tent and it was plenty. I'm just thinking..if the space I have to grow in, is 62x45, 500W would be more than

I'm also thinking about ordering some of this and throwing it into the room with them. Since I don't have any sort of co2 system going, (even though I know having one isnt 100% necessary) it can't hurt anything to get a bag or two, right?

Happy to help Mz W.:Sharing One:
250w in a 5x5 is way underpowered.
250's are rated more for a 2'x2' grow space.
500w in a 62x 45 is acceptable. More light is always better but this will work well.
Running both the HPS and MH simultaneously will give your plants a good dose of full spectrum love.
Your plants will love you for that.
If you want to go for Co2, I'd recommend checking THESE out.
Same as the exhale bags, just user activated.
I've had terrible luck with glass bowls in my days.
And by that, I mean that I've broken every single one I've owned.
Not purposefully, but broke them none the less. I've wanted to make a polymer clay bowl for a while now, but turns out its toxic. :dunno:who knew? lol

So I can't make a bowl from it unless I have a death wish, lol but that doesn't mean i can't add polymer clay to mend a broken glass pipe....I just have to make sure I don't directly touch flame to any part of the pipe that contains the clay....

And what do ya know? I have the perfect specimen! This beaut had some overly extravagant bulbous carb on it, and when it rolled off the kitchen counter onto the tile floor (lol)... the big extravagant carb was no more. I wish I'd thought to take a picture of it, the carb was a lot like this one - IMG_5886-1024x768.jpg. So the whole knob (lol) broke right the fuck off, and took a pretty decent sliver of the side of the bowl with it.
So its not great by any means.....buuutt.....i'm like a bowl fixin' genius. Because its IMPOSSIBLE that anyone else has ever thought to or already done this, hahahaha.

But here's my fix. I should go in business lol

oh. and Waira? Definitely made this Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cheesecake and thought of you every creamy, sinfully delicious bite lmao
You need one of these, their back in style now....vintage angle.
Very hard to break... :)

:hug::smoke: Meeezz Double-ya!! ....welcome home luv, from FL-- the state where bad things go to happen! :help: :WTF: .... Oh geez, 2 root canals??!! What lousy freakin' timing and luck my friend... I call no f'ing fair on that!...and what a very $$ drag, too!... had one done about a year ago myself,... Well, you took it all in stride-- vaycay will NOT be denied!! :pimp: LOL! (As usual, your snacks sound delish'...:drool:) .... Nice score on the upgrade! the enclosed pool area (mandatory really--we talked about this already- LOL!),...did you get much chance to just hang out and enjoy? Pshhh, you call that a big spider?! :WTF: (that's a Wolf Spider, BTW...great ground hunters... cockroach patrol unit!).. if you checked out the back yard some, you might have run into a Golden Orb Weaver, a rather large web builder... about 3.5" across sitting in her web, which can be over 3' across-- just the spiral webbed part alone that is! Support lines run yards long.... I found these in FL at the fish hatchery facility, spotted initially by the bird-sized turds on the ground, from webs up in the rafters...:thumbs: Folks have found humming birds caught in these webs! ...the strength of the whole apparatus is uncanny... :crying:Is my biologists' bias showing through?! I see nothing about the Palmetto bugs--- 4" cockroaches! :ama:...guess you didn't hook up with one of them,... :xlaugh: Hey, it's a freakin' swamp, whaddya expect!? ... ***... Hansen, in the Children of The Corn Hansen? Aren't they in their 30's now?? Satan hasn't brought them home yet?! :firedevil: :roflcry:

>>> Ahhh, the torment of strain choices! As per my PM, there' are plenty of possibilities,... I'll ask around for suggestions on quality strains,... Sweet Seeds Ice Cool auto is superb,... mine were more lemony than fuely, and sooo tasty and potent! And they have others from the diesel family..genetics are as good as they get! Muddy has a favorite in LBH's Sour Diesel Haze..(check out the Independent Breeders section),... Mephisto has some too..? Lots of grows coming in on this newer company,...(their seeds are now on the open market, but in-house customers might have a deal..?)...and the results are excellent! More on this later,...
>>> good brother EoF has some great suggestions and tips for ya! I think you should try smaller 2-3 gal pots too, can get more plants and variety in there, and if something goes FUBAR, you're not F'ed for the whole grow! Size per size, auto yields are on par with photo's in the smaller end of the size spectrum... And yes, newer, better worked out auto's will generally perform better than the older crosses,... And seed cost is no measure of the results and quality! There are $7 strains out there there (yes, auto-fem's) that are as good as $19 ones,... ( check out Single Seed Center... great site for browsing, better strain info than most places, competitive pricing, speedy USA friendly shipping; used them several times now-- :thumbs: solid company).... It's good that you have two lights, one flexible for bulbs,... recall what I said in PM about penetration of light-- HID's are good for this, vs. fluoro's... Intensity is key at these lower wattages.... heat is the PITA issue with them! Sure, 400's would be better, and shopping around will find some nice deals, like you found-- that full package deal is damn good! Question is tent, or not..?! LOL! By the time you buy all the stuff you need to modify the closet, the time and hassle of dialing it in... it's pretty close I'd think,... plus with a tent, (Peteey--exactly!)-- if for some reason there's ever a security issue, the tent can be broken down in a jiffy, compared to speed-ripping shit outta a modified closet! :slaps:..and indeed, there are different footprints/shapes to fit your space limitations,...***...followed that thread link, and I'm pretty sure those numbers are in cm's, not inches! General consensus is 250w for 2'x2' area, 400w for 3x3...
alls i gotta do is stick stuff in the appropriate hole.......
LMFAO.ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha:crying:
I honest to god, didn't even mean to phrase it that way. As I'm finishing up the sentence, I realized what I just typed. And then legitimately LOL'd. I hope Chandy sees this ahahahah.

Yeah, there's no coming back from that, I got nothin now lol
-->:rofl: oh yes you did! I, know better! And Chanders will back me up on that too! (Where you at luv?..been a while-:pighug:..hope all's well enough your way!).... ** :twist: Anthro',Peteey you pervy devils you! -- custom "glory" holes don't count!! :roflcry:** ..and indeed, there are different footprints/shapes to fit your space limitations,...
I've always said, if I had a dick, I would stick it in everything LOL
:no: :slaps:..and you'd likely not have it by now!! Or, it'd be a "flat-tip" model! LMAO!! Try the Peter Griffin trick-- electric pencil sharpener--:clap:...You've already convinced me you inherited the pervy gene from Pops! :Cool bud:

....... Ooohh, you teasing b*tch you!! :drool: Why aren't you working at a bakery yet??! **... Hey, nice Frankenpipe! :Cool bud: ...Trap'... the Proto Pipe--classic!! ..brings back many memories,... still made in Willits, CA? I passed by there every time I went to school at Humboldt State U'!.... :smoke:... I think Anthro' has your solution though,....:WTF:
...Okay Mz W', my ass is chair sore now,... off for an inferior snack (damn you!) and other entertainment...! :KISS: Latahhh....
...Trap'... the Proto Pipe--classic!! ..brings back many memories,... still made in Willits, CA?

IDK, Waira...I've seen new ones for sale on Amazon and ebay...mine is from 1987...first real pipe I bought. (Gave a friend money to buy) :)