Indoor Mz.W's perpetual grow...grow journal

This is less of an update and more of a concern/question.

And unfortunately it has everything to do with Auto Acid.
I was rotating/spinning her around so what was once the back is now in the front getting the extra CFL light.
After I'd finished that, I was getting up to leave the garden....and I saw this odd looking flower with tons of burnt orange color pistils but all the buds around her and on the rest of the plant were sill pretty much all white.
So I do a bit of closer inspection. This is what I see.

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Shes about 60 or 61 days from seed. And what I see here are A LOT of immature seeds. But in the same breath, there are legitimately pistils growing right out of a lot of them.

Looking close, to me it looks like you either got some seeds starting, or that plants got balls/nanners. Look at pic 14, bottom center, slightly to the right. Balls? Seeds? DUHHHHHH it pays to read better uh huh........:No:
:wg's Cool: Shweeeet! Screened in and everything!..a must, or you'll be eaten alive in that stinking swamp called FL- :roflcry: - yes, I get to say that, having lived there for 3 years :no: ... I remember Dizzyland issuing a warning for West Nile Virus, advising visitor to try to not be outside at dusk,... :stoneslap: WhTF will they all go?! Oh, and stay hydrated luv,...the combo of high temps and RH are the absolute worst for this! You won't crap for days, and when you do, it'll feel and sound like you're dropping ball bearings in to the can! :goodluck: LOL!
Yup, depending on where she's at by the time comes to make a call, and on the RH inside, if you wanted to slow the drying process down some, you can hang her whole instead of chopped up... the main concern being potential molding, or getting overly dry! But you won't know 'til you get there, so with some luck she'll finish up quick and the issue will be moot by then!
seem to be effected...or is it affected? Idk lol
:grin: what, am I giving English lessons now, too? LOL!! ('s affected,.. forgot the technical reason why long ago-LOL! I just write from memory these days...though my spelling recall is getting crappy sometimes!).... Well, truth is, any plant can potentially hermie-up,.. recall, how feminized seeds are made? Sex reversing part of a female plant to make bollocks form, but still get the full female type genome... so, it's really a matter of getting that set of genes that's normally already there to express... but indeed, some plants can become overly prone to doing it,.. this is where truly good, careful breeding makes all the difference in the world,... *** Have you looked her over for 'naner's? Just pick'm off if you see them, and either just let that seeded site go or surgically remove it.... :goodluck: LOL!! It's such a small area that it's not draining resources from the plants overall bud production... but do watch with great suspicion the immediate areas around it for new 'nads popping up! IF, that's where the pollen came from...:yoinks: :stoneslap: You know how sneaky they can be! Eye-ball the others too, just in case,... Meantime, keep smacking her gonads with bloom stuff, maybe add an hour or two (what are you running, BTW) to the lighting..., see if you can hustle her along! :wiz:
Shweeeet! Screened in and everything!..a must
You know, I've been to FL to visit family as a kid, and I remember getting eaten alive, but when I went to WDW a couple years ago, it honestly was not as bad as id expected/remembered. It was always dead summer when I went as a kid though and more end of summer/start of fall when we went to WDW, so perhaps its the time of year?

or you'll be eaten alive in that stinking swamp called FL- :roflcry: - yes, I get to say that, having lived there for 3 years
haha! it's funny, you saying that. it reminds me of my days as a 'real estate appointment specialist'. Every time I spoke with any of my FL agent buddies, I'd always make fun of them for thinking 55F is cold..Meanwhile- 1200 miles north, its 27 degrees outside with 4 feet of snow on the ground. Id shit in a public elevator for it to be 55 in January where Im at lol

Oh, and stay hydrated luv,...the combo of high temps and RH are the absolute worst for this!
abso-freakin-looootly lol. But I'll be damned if Im paying 8 bucks for a bottle of water just cause its got a picture of mickey on it lol. I bring my own and then fill up at the water fountains lol ;P Especially now that im old, (what am I? 112 now? lol) with MS the heat has a tendency to fuck with me, so staying cool-ish (lol) is a must.

what, am I giving English lessons now, too? LOL!!
ummm. yes. yes as a matter of fact you are. You are the Mr. Feeny of my cannabis cultivation lol

either just let that seeded site go or surgically remove it.... :goodluck: LOL!! It's such a small area that it's not draining resources from the plants overall bud production... but do watch with great suspicion the immediate areas around it for new 'nads popping up!
Meantime, keep smacking her gonads with bloom stuff, maybe add an hour or two (what are you running, BTW) to the lighting..., see if you can hustle her along!
lol I did check the rest of her a few times for nanners and found none sooo I reckon I'll just leave it. Cause you're right, just that one ball-y bud hasnt seemed to have affected (<-----yeaaaaah, you see that?! lol) the rest of the bud production. Her light schedule is currently 14/10 because of all the nervousness about growing the dr. green seeds critical+, but Critical+ is no longer in the garden (another reason i'm ok with just leaving that ball ridden branch on AA lol) I suppose the lights could essentially be whatever I want them to be lol.
oh. and when you say add an hour or two, you don't mean give her more light correct? Cause if we're tryina tell her to hurry the fuck up and quit dilly-dallying, we're essentially tricking her into thinking winter has come as her days get shorter....or am I not getting something?? lol

Dazed -
She does look a bit yellow here and there, maybe a bit of stress has made her want to be a man? Looks like you have some nice nice buds coming your way though! Hope it works out for you.
yeah she is getting yellow here and there - even lost a few fans, but at this point in her life, that's normal.
Thanks, mee tooooo! lol
:Gary: Helloooo,... :Sharing One:
>> ...time of year can make a big diff', no doubt! Also, Dizzy World will chem-bomb from f*cking orbit to keep vermin populations down, and they don't give a deep-fried shit about health consequences,... they want your $$$, so you get bled dry in more ways than one! :no: "Swivel"-WDW,... :roflcry:-sorry!
Id shit in a public elevator for it to be 55 in January where Im at lol
....speaking of deep fried,... :Haha: I'm sure the surveillance camera footage will fetch a handsome price in the "specialty perv'" market!! ..Nothing like watching a cute chick bend a steaming biscuit right on the floor to wake up the country club! *** Oh gawd!!-- I just remembered seeing security footage from a store of this hippie skank, walking down the beer aisle, suddenly drop her low-riser jeans and literally just squat-fired off this huge soft-serve mound, in just a few seconds,...:yoinks: :pimphand: :help: :clap: ..the casual ease of how she did this was,.. disturbing!

>> $8 for a bottle of water??!! :BottomBeater:<-- best image I could find-- oh wait, I think I can make one more befitting: B:hump: .....:wiggle::crying:

hasnt seemed to have affected (<-----yeaaaaah, you see that?! lol)
<-- niiiice,....:clap: :Gold:
You are the Mr. Feeny of my cannabis cultivation lol
--> dunno who that is, but I'm betting it's not a compliment! :My Arse..: :WTF:...***.... yes, a little more light; it's an auto-- remember!? :stoneslap: :grin:
Consider Critical+ chopped, trimmed, and hanging.

What was it K said to me that one time?
The buds are all hung in the closet with care, in hopes that dank buds soon will be there.

hahaha, oh how I love that man.

Any how... Lesson definitely learned with the critical+. If this had been my first grow ever, and I heeded the breeders advice with regards to growing this strain, I woulda been PISSED lol.

#1 -a carbon filter is a MUST until dried and jarred
#2 - DON'T grow in anything larger than a 5ltr pot because of the tendency for the strain to grow very large, very quick.


ok. Lets start with the fact that i feel like it's pretty much impossible to grow an a 1 gallon pot....that would get wildly out of control. But, I went for it cause there was nothing documented on the strain telling me, hey. Dont plant this in a 1 gallon pot UNLESS you need to keep your operation small.... very... small. And or stealthy.

Luckily we'd already gotten the carbon filter because of Fast Bud and Auto Acid (last run) bein' so stinky. And MAAAAAAAAAAAAAYBE if I weren't growing another AA at the same time as and right next to the critical+, I MIGHT have needed a filter....but again. Only if I needed to keep things stealthy.
Because she barely smelled...the whole. time.
I could only really get a smell from her during harvest......when she was 2 floors away from where AA is finishing lol.

Which brings me to my latest Critical+ disappointment. And that, my friends. Unfortunately, is weight.
Since her life was spent in a teeny pot, she was only just over 12". Those things considered - her wet weight was 34.2 g. Which- according to the knowledge in my 'worst case scenario' database, will yield just over a quarter. But again...thats just worst case scenario meaning I would lose 80% water weight....fingers crossed it's not that bad lol

Waira -
I'm sure the surveillance camera footage will fetch a handsome price in the "specialty perv'" market!! ..Nothing like watching a cute chick bend a steaming biscuit right on the floor to wake up the country club!
lmao. Yo! it'd be a huge hit in Japan. They'd sell the footage from a kiosk, right next to the 'dirty womens underwear' vending machine.
ahhhhhhh the Japanese.

Oh gawd!!-- I just remembered seeing security footage from a store of this hippie skank, walking down the beer aisle, suddenly drop her low-riser jeans and literally just squat-fired off this huge soft-serve mound, in just a few seconds,...:yoinks:
:help::clap: ..the casual ease of how she did this was,.. disturbing!
ummmm. yea. seen it. and Im gagging. right now. lol In my old age, Ive gotten a grossly weak stomach lol. Have you seen the video on tosh.o, of a kid pulling his pants down and shitting while riding a skateboard down the road? lol I used to looooove that show. I can't even watch it anymore without getting nauseous and having a panic attack, so I dont even attempt it, and don't let my boyfriend watch it when Im in the room lol. Same thing with that show jackass. There's just too much vomit. I cant do it. *shudders*
I'm 99% sure I've got emetophobia (the fear of vomit), and Im not even kidding, lol.

T.B.C cause I have more to say to you lol
ok Waira. Im back for part 2.

dunno who that is, but I'm betting it's not a compliment!


lol. I need to remember that not everyone here grew up in the 90's and will understand my references. However, very much to the contrary, Mr Feeny was the shit lol
William Daniels played him for the 7 year stint of Boy Meets World. He was the main characters' teacher/principal/wise old man life guide lol from grade school thru college.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand i fucking hate my computer because it just closed the damn window and for whatever reason that ^^^^^ is all that auto saved? whatever. moral of the story here, lol, is i jumped the gun and moved her to 12 12 from 14 10 thinking in my little stoner head that either way, its going to make her think its winter and speed up, that the auto just referred to no switch in light being necessary to start flowering. But OBVIOUSLY (lol) less light means hurry the fuck up.

"Hurry Up Mucker"
Just wanted to report. My teeny tiny little 12" critical+ provided me with...........

are you ready for this? Hold on to your hats kids.

6.91 g

omg why is this my liiiiifffeeee lol

Impatient??I feel ya there LOL!! Been there done that,bought the company,have extra T shirts if ya need a dozen AND went bankrupt and bought ANOTHER company too LOL!! Yeah not always a good idea to switch when they are used to 14 or 18 hours if you can help it..Heres to next Time Ms W :pighug::pass: Atleast ya got a little meds anywho so it wasnt a complete wash eh?! ya turning round n growing again?or are you already?
Just wanted to report. My teeny tiny little 12" critical+ provided me with...........

are you ready for this? Hold on to your hats kids.

6.91 g

omg why is this my liiiiifffeeee lol

That's much better than my last plant lol, and the one I just chopped today isn't looking much better lol :) it'll definitely be less than 6g dry, grrr. Oh well, must keep trying :p Hey I was searching for grow journals on Speed Devil, didn't you grow some? Was curious if you liked it, about to order some.