Indoor Mz.W's perpetual grow...grow journal

DUDE I didnt even read it n started laughing hysterically When I saw DISNEY WORLD HANSON!!!:crying::crying: I was posting sum 80's stuff n thought of yer hanson LMFAO!!!:Sharing One:

EDIT: Make yerself a fat edible an munch it before ya walk into the airport n grab a coffe er whatever..LOL I would lol. that'd be awesome..
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What is this head of lettuce in the middle of my buds? lol

This is less of an update and more of a concern/question.

And unfortunately it has everything to do with Auto Acid.
I was rotating/spinning her around so what was once the back is now in the front getting the extra CFL light.
After I'd finished that, I was getting up to leave the garden....and I saw this odd looking flower with tons of burnt orange color pistils but all the buds around her and on the rest of the plant were sill pretty much all white.
So I do a bit of closer inspection. This is what I see.


Shes about 60 or 61 days from seed. And what I see here are A LOT of immature seeds. But in the same breath, there are legitimately pistils growing right out of a lot of them.

:Sharing One:What's good Mz.W'? :foxy: :foxy: :drool: ..sticky smelly-good girls, for starters! Great job on the pics GF, and I enjoyed the video too,.. you sound much like I imagined- :grin:... perhaps you missed your calling--Porn Media!! :roflcry: :wiz::porn perv: Oh! And novelty crafts,... huh, if only there was a way to combine them,....:wg's Cool::WTF: ...The pot-head peeps are a hoot! That was a fine idea, folks cherish things made by hand from those they care about....:clap:..ya know, looking at the pot-arms, the sleeves on a Flamenco(?) dancer costume, or something Carmen Miranda would wear! Hey, there's a new character idea for the next one you make! Fill her head with a Pineapple express girlie... "Bailers Booya"

I'M GOING TO DISNEY WORLD!!!!!! mean you're going to Mz.W' heaven!! :woohoo: Oh man, what a score on the house, GF!! That will be titty all-da-way! You might even roast yours if you're not careful,...:roflcry: ....Hansen,...isn't that some teen transvestite group from the '90's? :brow: .... Oh well, the F&W fest should be fantastic at least,... the whole deal sounds like a much deserved vay-cay... *** As for your AA, my advise is to take her down if she's even the least bit ready,...that much time in the dark will ruin her, or she'll mold-out on ya,... and unattended lights have a way of doing something FUBAR, in direct accordance to Murphy's F-ing Law! Even if you just hang her her whole, minus fans, that would be fine too,...unless the apt. is really low RH...
(***falling asleep here my friend,... not much sleep this week,.. my punch-drunk typing is getting to be more errors that words***)

:yoinks: :stoneslap: :no: :cuss: Gaaahh!! You have the worst luck with this random ball-flopping going on! I couldn't really see anything suspect in the pics, but I'm not running at peak form just now,... :Woozy..?: You saw my ? at the LHT? I forgot who herm'ed on you last time,... Anyway, alas, those are misfire seeds, no doubt...dammit! Weird shit happens sometimes, GF... I found a single, beautiful seed in my Stone Dragon fem' bud the other day,...It was a tiny (soil) stunted plant, so I was all eyes on her as she ripened, and I saw nuth',.. :dunno: No other boyz were around at any time, so it was almost certainly self-generated... I've never bred MJ before, so I've not seen the process of how the magic happens- LOL!.. I figure the seeds fragg'ed early on, and the pistils never got knocked free by the growing seed... TaNg's Thang- I'm sure you've been on a neutering rampage since!! :pimp: I hope no further unauthorized green-spermiating has taken place! :goodluck: ..otherwise, the girls are looking great GF,... nicely done on making improvement with every plant you grow! Hey,.. is that Kool-Aid pack spilled on the floor over there? --- :slap: -- :smoke:HAHAAAAh- gotcha again right on the sweet-cheeks!! I'll try to stay more current, okay? Oh,.. and say Hi-:grin: to that Chanders for me, if I don't get her way first,...** oh man, just popped into my head-- :Haha:--you and her in Dizzy World together, full loaded vap's!! :xlaugh: Scar those kiddies minds!!
I got a question man..?Ive grown AA once sometime back and in my dealing most micro life can and will hermie a seed even if the traits arent there due to micro mutation within the soil..? so if thats the case(which imho I believe it is)I ask this..If Im wrong its a straight hermie bean,But, with the fact shes using ffof,bottled mainline produced organics and another issue I can recall.if those are indeed the the factors..would that not cause a mutation within the very genetics of the bean?Hormones n the like?mutated and confused micro herd..?
Great job on the pics GF, and I enjoyed the video too,.. you sound much like I imagined- :grin:... perhaps you missed your calling--Porn Media!!

Thanks! I do enjoy me some porn...*cough* of the bud variety, I mean lol though speaking of porn, I used to wanna be a suicide girl more than anything in life lol And if you arent familiar with the suicide girls, its a bunch of hot naked chicks that are tattooed and pierced up lol.

And I mean, really. Who doesn't like a good pierced and tattooed naked chick? LOL:drool:

The pot-head peeps are a hoot!
AREN'T THEY??!! hahah, I am in looooove with them. It makes me wish I had a surplus of flower pots just layin' around, because I would make an entire army of pot people and then set them up on my back deck holding cap guns. hahahahaha what a way to A- piss off the members association here and B- have the cops raid my house LOL. mean you're going to Mz.W' heaven!! :woohoo:
fuck yea its mz. w heaven! lol you've seen the hideous dance (if you can call it that lol) routine from my first time at Disney, add HANSON to that equation? you can forget about it. My moves are going to be so good, everyone will think they're in heaven.
"Dancing Psiren"

And then my alarm clock went off, because I was dreaming hahahahah :roflcry:
*Mz W = the worst white girl rhythm you've ever seen*
Oh man, what a score on the house, GF!! That will be titty all-da-way! You might even roast yours if you're not careful,...:roflcry:
I've roasted them before lol it's EXTREMELY uncomfortable lol. yea im pretty stoked about the house. the pictures look like its gonna be pretty sweet. Here's a picture of the pool area.. its not huge, but theres only 2 of us and IDK how to swim anyhow hahaha. So yea, definitely excited :D:D:D
As for your AA, my advise is to take her down if she's even the least bit ready,...that much time in the dark will ruin her, or she'll mold-out on ya,... and unattended lights have a way of doing something FUBAR, in direct accordance to Murphy's F-ing Law! Even if you just hang her her whole, minus fans, that would be fine too,...unless the apt. is really low RH...
So, Im assuming that advice is for when I leave for vacay and not for right now since she's a herm...bringing me to the actual topic at hand lol
Gaaahh!! You have the worst luck with this random ball-flopping going on! I couldn't really see anything suspect in the pics, but I'm not running at peak form just now,... :Woozy..?: You saw my ? at the LHT? I forgot who herm'ed on you last time,... Anyway, alas, those are misfire seeds, no doubt...dammit! Weird shit happens sometimes,

TELL ME ABOUT IT!!! lol and I took such good care of her because I wanted her to turn out even more awesome than the 1st time around. I didnt even try to LST her because i didnt want to chance stressing her into going herm since I have a tendency to break them lol. So much for that theory lol. No, AA didn't herm last the verrrrrrrrrrrrry end of her life I found one nanner on her, but she'd been at like...93 days from seed at that point. I've actually never had a plant herm like this. Thats why I was so confused as to what I was seeing. AM2 was the first plant I had that got nanners. Then who was it, Fast Bud with nanners? and then 1 single nanner on AA. Big devil (Olga) was good thru her whole life, and now AA has this cluster fuck of hermie balls.'s, from what I can tell, only that one lower branch and that one top bud of that branch that seem to be effected...or is it affected? Idk lol
Do you think I should just cut that branch off, or is it going to seriously stress the rest of her into getting balls too? Is it possible for only part of a plant to herm or is it just a matter of time before the rest of her is covered in balls too?
IE- does it even matter if I get rid of the ball infested branch or is she just doomed and I should chop her now cause no matter what, her genetics say shes a herm?
unnamed.jpg this arrow points to a bud thats at the same level as the ball-y one lol
She look so close to finishing, does it really matter about one bud that hermied? I have zero experience as it hasn't happend for me yet, but you can def still smoke that nug!! Why not use it as a test nug, enjoy those balls lol :)
She look so close to finishing, does it really matter about one bud that hermied? I have zero experience as it hasn't happend for me yet, but you can def still smoke that nug!! Why not use it as a test nug, enjoy those balls lol :)

actually, she's still about a month away from where I want her and still 2 weeks from her breeder harvest date, which is what worries me. When I grew out the strain the first time, I kept her up until she was 95 days from seed where shes only 60...ish, from seed today.
lol as far as smoking the nug, I probably won't even attempt it for fear of getting nothing but a headache lol I will, however, make me some butta ;)
Ahhh, I hear ya. Hmmm, yeah butter sounds cool! Idk, like I said, I'd only be guessing as to what to do, so if it were me, keep an eye out. She does look a bit yellow here and there, maybe a bit of stress has made her want to be a man? Looks like you have some nice nice buds coming your way though! Hope it works out for you.