I also just started a new, rootball recycling setup. I've got a 22 gallon tote filled with rootballs. I dumped about a gallon of worm castings in, along with about 1000 worms. I added some veggie and watermelon scraps and shredded, used paper towels. with my 2 worm farm bins, I estimated I have about 10,000 worms. going to start selling some on ebay next month. Think I'm going to 50 gallon totes soon!
All my bedding is recycled soil and all my soil is organic The Grow More products I use are organic. In fact they are normal "supersoil" items, such as bird guano, kelp meal, etc. All feed has been 90% veggie food scraps, Pumpkin was a big one as I got about 60 pounds of pumpkins last fall that I cut up and froze just for my worms! Some egg shells and newspaper and paper towels for added carbon, maybe 5%. Water added when needed is RO water.

Usage of worm castings are you asking? well any amount up to 25% of your soil mix is good, I'm leaning more towards 20% More than that and you begin to reduce air holding ability of your soil, castings are heavy and thick. My soil from last year was peat based but I've switched to coco coir as peat is NOT a renewable resource. my worms have only recently received any coco based soil. I think a few of the rootballs in this bin were from coco soil plants.

Pop the nutrient makeup and quantities are vital stats as well as the suggested amounts to apply.
Here's a rootball from my indoor bin. its been in the bin about a week. Its loaded with worms!

rootball worms.jpg