Mystery Pipe(s)

Speaking of knees I get my meniscus repaired the 20th of this month. Anyone here reccomend a cryo cuff?

I smashed both my knee's up in a motorcycle accident 40 odd years ago and although I was younger and I healed quickly, over the years these injuries come back to haunt you later on! For the last few years I've been using the

I found it a great help, well, certainly relief from chronic pain! If you can find one, definitely recommended!



(Maybe we should start a Medical Knee Thread?)

:welcome: :headbang: :cooldance: :headbang: :d5:....Urban Smokahhh, welcome to AFN mate! :cheers: ...a pleasure to have you in our vendor line-up, filling a nice niche we've been missing...:eyebrows: :thumbsup:-- hope we can bring you some great bizz!, I'm gonna go have a look myself,...:smoking: