Hi folks,
I've gotten myself into a PH debate in another thread and wanted to try and break-free from that one and start afresh with what I personally see as the crutch of nearly all the PH arguments that occur on weed forums.
The argument seems to stem not from whether or not PH adjustment is necessary for some folks, but whether or not it's necessary for everyone.
I submit that it is impossible for me, you, or anyone else on a forum to say with any certainty whether or not another member needs to PH manage.
The reasons why I make this assertion is because none of us can know all of the relevant factors in someone else's grow so we can't be sure if we have all the information we need to make that call. We could make a good guess based on what we do know.. but can we apply that answer to everyone else too? I don't reckon we can because the next grower's conditions may be slightly different.
It seems to me that the only SAFE advice that one uf us can give another about PH'ing, is that some of us need to do it and others don't, and then explain our reasons for that.
I also submit that the moment that any one of us says to another:
A) You don't need to PH manage in soil
B) You always need to PH manage in soil
.. then we're giving out false and potentially grow-destroying advice, because some will need to and some won't depending on a whole range of issues aside from their nutes, water source or any other individual condition.
Now.. since my personal position on this is that I like to PH manage because it reduces risks of things going wrong in the soil, it stands-to-reason that my advice on PH management is that it isn't absolutely necessary for everyone, but that maintaining a level and balanced PH throughout a grow is very good practice.
Personally, depending on how I'm growing, sometimes I don't have to ph anything or even aerate my water, but other methods MUST be ph'd or it all goes to hell in my groom. The only person who can truly say what I need to do is me, and even then I have to say that I both need to and not need to ph at the same time!!
This is one of those issues where I believe I'm absolutely correct because of logic and science (still humbly I might add, not arrogantly) but if I'm not I'd love to be shown why not, as this debate has been central to my growing for a long time now.
I've gotten myself into a PH debate in another thread and wanted to try and break-free from that one and start afresh with what I personally see as the crutch of nearly all the PH arguments that occur on weed forums.
The argument seems to stem not from whether or not PH adjustment is necessary for some folks, but whether or not it's necessary for everyone.
I submit that it is impossible for me, you, or anyone else on a forum to say with any certainty whether or not another member needs to PH manage.
The reasons why I make this assertion is because none of us can know all of the relevant factors in someone else's grow so we can't be sure if we have all the information we need to make that call. We could make a good guess based on what we do know.. but can we apply that answer to everyone else too? I don't reckon we can because the next grower's conditions may be slightly different.
It seems to me that the only SAFE advice that one uf us can give another about PH'ing, is that some of us need to do it and others don't, and then explain our reasons for that.
I also submit that the moment that any one of us says to another:
A) You don't need to PH manage in soil
B) You always need to PH manage in soil
.. then we're giving out false and potentially grow-destroying advice, because some will need to and some won't depending on a whole range of issues aside from their nutes, water source or any other individual condition.
Now.. since my personal position on this is that I like to PH manage because it reduces risks of things going wrong in the soil, it stands-to-reason that my advice on PH management is that it isn't absolutely necessary for everyone, but that maintaining a level and balanced PH throughout a grow is very good practice.
Personally, depending on how I'm growing, sometimes I don't have to ph anything or even aerate my water, but other methods MUST be ph'd or it all goes to hell in my groom. The only person who can truly say what I need to do is me, and even then I have to say that I both need to and not need to ph at the same time!!
This is one of those issues where I believe I'm absolutely correct because of logic and science (still humbly I might add, not arrogantly) but if I'm not I'd love to be shown why not, as this debate has been central to my growing for a long time now.