Technical Issue My Reservoir Tank gets cloudy all the time (Hydroponics)

Anyone reading this....Don't use Pool Shock. It's toxic to you, your plants, and the environment.

Lot of Pepole using this and also lot of Nutes manufacturers

Stop spreading this dangerous info about. It is absolutely not safe to give your plants water treated with pool shock. It will cause you insurmountable problems, as I'm sure you will come to find. @Mañ'O'Green may have some insight he'd like to add.

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Are you actually experiencing any problems with your cloudy water or you just like the way it looks?

This is Day 13 and the Water stays Cristal Clear i never clean the Box only Add Pool Shock every 4 Day's and put new RO new Nutes :) Works insanely Perfekt!


Shit guy's i fear because i have health issues for 2 weeks i thought it was flu but it's not getting away
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Anyone reading this....Don't use Pool Shock. It's toxic to you, your plants, and the environment.

Stop spreading this dangerous info about. It is absolutely not safe to give your plants water treated with pool shock. It will cause you insurmountable problems, as I'm sure you will come to find. @Mañ'O'Green may have some insight he'd like to add.


Oh shit i have headache for 2 weeks and other problems and don't now why
Anyone reading this....Don't use Pool Shock. It's toxic to you, your plants, and the environment.

Stop spreading this dangerous info about. It is absolutely not safe to give your plants water treated with pool shock. It will cause you insurmountable problems, as I'm sure you will come to find. @Mañ'O'Green may have some insight he'd like to add.


Sodium Chlorine it's a different Chemical... I research and in Pools it's in it and it's smell stronger then my Reservoir so it's OK but not over 5ppm