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Milks Magical Poems

poem #15 Thai buddha man

so we all know a gorilla a silverback beast
he comes from a place in the far east
he is a buddha and his race is thai
from a young age he wanted to be a spy

he waits in the jungle for crimes to be commit
with his big arms he will attack swing and hit

for a gorilla he is quite lazy , lying on a rock feeling quite hazy
smoking the buds that grow nearby
this big gorilla is high in the sky

smoking and stealing the spiders stash
looking for a mate to pound some gash

he moderates the jungle holding the leash
developing strains and keeping the peace

he is a party animal some do say
but when does he party and in what way

hes always going crazy and doing strange things
up in the treetops his mobile phone rings

its all the hippos the big OG's looking for buddah to score some seeds

hes arranging a night the animals wont forget
hopefully he gets lucky and gets his wink wet

he sees a baboon a few meters away
thinking wow shes lovley today

he approaches with ease and prepares to make a pass
and swiftly slap this baboons ass

but thai buddah man is way out of line
good things will come in due time

this silverback beast is kind at heart
he clears out the jungle with a powerfull fart

potent and deadly just like his strain
he will tie you up and put you in pain
over and over and again and again

thai buddah man is just pure insane

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more to come , Torch404 , L3VER 3K , robwars , hereb4 , b0b_b1tch1n , WVTurtle, goauto6 , insert name here , ‎KindredSpirit , Joe Dirt , Muddy , Dub V , Mr Piggy , Dank0r , kingjetorl ,GoTgReEn , frizel , si1984 ,virginia gent & many many more !
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Milks Magical Poems

poem #16 Torch404

There is this guy called Torch404 , everytime i see him i wonder much more
how can he see me when im down on the floor , he has a torch thats what its for

hes like a goblin who wanders in the night, looking for dragon eggs to swipe out of sight

for some may ask what is 404 , that is number on his door

he lives in a cave just out of town , he always carrys with him a ridiculous frown

poor little guy seems to have shrunk , for all the bathing he does in spunk

all in his teeth and all in his ears , those are days the wonderfull years

spunk in his eyes and all over his thighs , he stays up late through the night and crys

but dont get me wrong hes a wonderfull guy , these are the reasons i will tell you why

helpful and kind and amazing you know, have you seen the top quality skunk he does grow

amazing and fresh and better than most , even better than his favourite snack which is spunk on toast

he such a good guy i will not boast , that he likes to send his spunk in the post.

torch404 has came a long way , a very long way just to say
grow great green and be kind to yourself
forever and always , perfect health

Great stuff Milk, keep em coming. :clap::clap::clap: