New Grower My plant is sick please help!

Mar 3, 2015
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Ok I have a AS blue diesel currently growing its on week 5 from seed. I did water it and forgot to pH my water one time 3 days ago oops other than that I can't think of anything else I did wrong. I thinkbit may be a calcium deficiency? Idk all ideas and help greatly appreciated.
Heya bobby! Relax and we will get you sorted! Yes, I woul dput a stickey note on the outside of your grow area, reminding to ph your feeds!:biggrin: Also, a bit of cal/mag wont hurt either! she looks good and will certainly recover, so dont sweat it. The spots may never go green again, but a lesson learned. I would however, keep your grow space clean and tidy. Loose soil and the like, invites bugs and pests you dont want in there. Just my opinion. She will flower up nice for ya, but keep it on veg nutes, until vertical growth stops, then hit her with bloom nutes!:pass:
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Amazon has CaliMagic, 8 ounces for $12. I've used it in my grow under LED and seems to do the job. 8 ounces will last you a while since you are only using a teaspoon per gallon.
There are also more organic solutions such as molasses, Epsom salts, and lime. There are some posts explaining how to use them.
Heya bobby! Relax and we will get you sorted! Yes, I woul dput a stickey note on the outside of your grow area, reminding to ph your feeds!:biggrin: Also, a bit of cal/mad wont hurt either! she looks good and will certainly recover, so dont sweat it. The spots may never go green again, but a lesson learned. I would however, keep your grow space clean and tidy. Loose soil and the like, invites bugs and pests you dont want in there. Just my opinion. She will flower up nice for ya, but keep it on veg nutes, until vertical growth stops, then hit her with bloom nutes!:pass:
Lol just had a spider move in cleaned up after that. Humidity is low working on that now. Rusty leaves are getting worse haven't had to water again yet though is it possible its mute locked?
Y0ur thermometer says 64f,is that the normal temp?What are you feeding her and what doseage?
Quarter strength grow big and tiger bloom fixing to start molasses and chaching or should i wait on those.
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Full update leaves are not getting worse but more leaves are getting tiny rust spots are dry to the touch humidity is 20 percent. Today she will get phed temped water 1/4 strength tiger bloom and grow big. I do think mybtemps are low 70-73 I think my 2 120mm fans are moving to much air to fast so today intake fan will get cut off exhaust will stay on will be hanging a wet towel as well as having my bowlbof water in there.
Small rust spots usually mean calcium def.Your low humidity could be causing problems also.Your temp should be around 78 to 80f for better growth.
Alright moved the box into a new part of the house humidity is up to 40% right now and temps seem to be more stable and are at 76 degrees some of the leaves were curled and crusty this morning hated to do it but there was no bud production there so instead of letting the plant use energy to fix my mistake i cut those fan leaves off.