Outdoor my PAK HOUSE journal 2011

Good luck with them mate!

Can't wait to see how they look in a few weeks!
hope there all going well for you there.

Dont know about you but had a bit of rain where Im at over the last few days and if the sun can come out for a bit Ill be a happy camper!

Btw - is the green house a Chook shed??
hope there all going well for you there.

Dont know about you but had a bit of rain where Im at over the last few days and if the sun can come out for a bit Ill be a happy camper!

Btw - is the green house a Chook shed??

yer mate today was good here alittle windy but plenty of that good old sunshine.been overcast and wet the last few days before but.things are looking up now just would wrather the night being alittle more warmer.nah mate lol its a greenhouse just chicken wired the bottom to keep the dogs out just incase and laid some saw dust around to keep the snails out.
beaut day here today:thumbs:

cool - I was by no means knocking the pakhouse either mate - just, as you prob know, old chook sheds make versatile things!!
we should be getting over the cold nights soon (I hope) but to keep them a bit warmer out there you could possibley put some bubble wrap around the bottom wire or as a fence around them inside. Im sure theyll do fine without it - tough little things - but I rigged up a similar little fence around a cple a few days ago when nights were pretty chilly and they seemed pretty happy in there. A couple of weeks time and itll be in the 40s and Ill wanna put some air con outside for the little girls!!;)
beaut day here today:thumbs:

cool - I was by no means knocking the pakhouse either mate - just, as you prob know, old chook sheds make versatile things!!
we should be getting over the cold nights soon (I hope) but to keep them a bit warmer out there you could possibley put some bubble wrap around the bottom wire or as a fence around them inside. Im sure theyll do fine without it - tough little things - but I rigged up a similar little fence around a cple a few days ago when nights were pretty chilly and they seemed pretty happy in there. A couple of weeks time and itll be in the 40s and Ill wanna put some air con outside for the little girls!!;)

lol nah mate did'nt think you where knocking my green house.i'll be popping another 20 autos soon to go in the back of another plot that i have setup which happens to be at the back of a chook shed lol wont have to worry about wildlife and what not as its already fenced just had to make up another wire fence so the chooks can stay out of that area.didnt relise they like to pick at plants lol.yer we had good sunshine here today just a cold wind front comming threw.we get it alittle worse because i'm up pretty high.otherwise the seedlings are going great dont seem to be to botherd with the cold nights.yer mate thats it aye gets hot quick not looking foward to those temps again tho lol.the pakhouse has a mister system in there so they should be nice and comfy:D
A couple of weeks time and itll be in the 40s and Ill wanna put some air con
outside for the little girls!!;)

My girls are Regulally out in 40 o'C plus in the shade in the summer here...with high winds..
they will just Think they are at home.....:wiz:

Part of the reason I plant in large multi-pots..is to be able to keep them hydrated..

small pots can Bake in a couple of hours..

otherwise the seedlings are going great dont seem to be to botherd with the
cold nights.

AND..down to minus 4 o'C night temps in the winter..with less that 10 hours natural light...

They is Tough as old bulls lugs...:booya:

I Think you Aussies could Easy get the 3 seasons..spring..summer autumn outdoor
grows..and if you coulg get them up to sex under lights..
you could Probably get the Winter season too...I Do..

and the Girls are acclimatised to That type of growing...:wiz:
which happens to be at the back of a chook shed lol
haha - I knew it!! A chook shed always has to be involved. Mine hasnt had any chooks in it for quite a few years so makes it easy. You'll get nice free fert and they'll help keep the slugs away too! They'll be loving it with a mister!!

they will just Think they are at home
Exactly mate - I love the fact that even though on the other side of the world, you and I, and outdoor king etc etc - have pretty similar conditions. Same temp ranges here -2, -1 at worst in winter with summer high 30s- low fortys typical with a few "scorchers" thrown in for good measure. At least where I am it is a dry heat and yep get those oven blast winds too. So all in all the girls will be so at home they'll be looking for you! Will definetely be trying the winter things (lights first) too - and cheers for the multi pot tip.
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its update time cant seem to upload pics at the moment not sure why but will keep trying untill they do.its around day 10 for the PAK'S and around day 5 for the JEM'S.by the looks of them there growth rate is slow but know wonder why with the little stuff ups at the start and the sun only being out for a solid good 3 or maybe for days otherwise its been very cold cloudy and raining for the rest lol perfect growing conditions.fingers crossed they said on the weather news tonight that the heat is comming back so really looking foward to that and i'm sure my sprouts will to.thats all i can think of for now.will keep trying to upload pics.
PAK around day 10

green house these are pics at night i would take some today but yet again its pissing down with rain.

the rain is makeing me want to start an indoor grow