Indoor My hydroponic adventures!

Well, when cfl was big 6500k was used for veg and 2700k for bloom. The different ends of the spectrum provide different light. I just got a 6500 from bigsm0 to aid in veg and resin boost. Thats what i base my opinion on, just started using the 6500.
I have two 3500k ive been using
Cool man, I'm thinking of doing 6 3000, 4 3500 and 2 6500 for an all arpund mixed spec. I have time to think about it though.
I think a mixed spectrum is the way to go, try to get like the sun in the tent
A bit of an update in my love den. WARNING this is a long post! Lol I'm high as a giraffes ass and feel like rambling. Ill add pictures in a bit when I tend the garden.

My RQS Northern Lights auto is all chopped down dried and sitting pretty in jars. I staggered the harvest because she was a beast!! She ended up at 152.54g total, thats not including the ounce or so of larf. All in all I recommend this strain to anyone who has the room to grow her!

Sweet seeds - sweet cheese
- she is vegging like a champ, she has started mainlining in anticipation for flower. I wont ve able to put a screen under her this round but next round I plan to install a full length screen so I dont hace to fuss with who gets what.. She will be lst all through flower to allow those mainlines to make a small bush of what I hope will be golf ball sized nugs.... Fingers crossed.

World of seeds - afghan kush x black domina
- this girl is going to be massive. She is only 18" tall but mainlined to fill Damn near a 3x3 screen. I have a rooted mother for future runs. Just seeing how she produces and what shes like this round. She has been vegged and trained the longest.

Female seeds - lemon kush
- this girl is just starting to explode in growth, I've topped her and taken a cutting. I dont plan to do much. I will do lay and keep her small. Just to see what she's about but I can already tell I got a tall pheno. Looks almost sativa to me. I'm curious as to what shes about. Iblove the idea of $4 dollar beans lets just hope they have that $20 bean ability.

Serious seeds - serious happiness
- a freebie I plan to just run without keeping. She has been slightly abused with super cropping topping and lst. Smells sweet we'll see what she brings. Shes in a 2 gal coco.

Seedism seeds - champagne kush
- another girl I plan to grow straight through. I may take a cut but dont plan to do anything crazy to her. Shes in 1 gal coco and will flower in it also.

Exotic seeds - mango cream auto
- man this girl is a solid week and half 2 weeks from finish including a 5 day flush, 5gal dwc. I stunted her during veg and in return my yield will suffer but what I am getting is awsome! She stinks like fruity gas... My favorite in the garden yet. I need to get more of these beans and maybe explore some more exotic genetics...

Pyramid seeds - Auto Purple
- I love this plant, ive grown many of these. Ots one of the first autos I grew and still grow to this day. I always get a few beans when I order seeds lol. She's a solid 3-4 weeks from finish I think.. Although I have to look back at my notes to see exactly how old she is. She is getting some knobby fat buds that are already a pretty purple.

In my make shift veg tent I have seedlings of old crosses I made using some pnw genes I gathered from an old forum. My few clones that I plan to mother in 16oz solo cups lol. But I hope the cups will be enough to both let the plants still grow enough for me to train them and them to grow slow enough to make it in between 8 week cycles. Plan is the biggest mother will have a clone taken tranfered into a bigger pot and flowered. Every few weeks to leave myself tiime to trim and what have you. Anyways here are a few pics. Ill get a natural light picture of each plant soon. I plan to flip my room into 1212 in another week. Just waiting until afyer the holiday really.

Sorry for talking your ears off and thanks for checking it out!!

Picture dump!!!

1-2 - exotic seeds mango cream auto

3-4 - pyramid seeds auto purple

5 - serious seeds serious happiness

6 - sweet seeds sweet cheese

7 - world of seeds afghan kush x black domina

8 - seedism seeds champagne kush

9 - female seeds lemon kush

10 - a shot of the kief I was smoking on
Ohhhhhhh shit I'm in the game now!!!! 3x 3000k citizen clu048 wired in series to a hlg 120h c1400b. Will be spreading out my plants when the lights come on. Ill worry about,cleaning up the wires later.
