Indoor My hydroponic adventures!

Just chopped down afghan kush x black domina on day 56, she was super heavy! Loved the way shr grew out.

I only planned to keep 2 strains from this run (sweet cheese, champagne kush) but after cutting her down and seeing the quality I may have to stretch for 3 keeper strains lol

Only managed to get 1 pic of all the buds hanging but ill make sure to take plenty of pictures once she's all dry and headed for jars.

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nice mate
84g dry of trimmed de-stemmed buds off the afghan kush. Moved to jars, and there she will sit until its time to smoke her.

Also chopped champagne kush last night, plan to chop serious happiness today and sweet cheese Saturday. Stay tuned.... This should get interesting

Also in other news I'm fairly confident in going to chop my female seeds lemon kush... Buds are just airy, dont want to get dense. Ill give her another week but,if I still don't see a change ill chop her down dry her and blast some tane through her. I was only expecting to get 8oz total for this grow. I estimate a goos oz off champagne kush bringing my total to 4oz, so if,my sweet cheese yields more than 4oz which I'm sure she will I'm happy running the lemon kush as concentrates.. Still have a quick one and purple mazar auto coming down around the end of this month.

Already starting to load vegging plants in my room to make some room for babies! Althoug I'm going to slow down on babies. Going to start limiting my grows to 5 photo plants max and 2 auto plants at all times in my room. I also built my full wall scrog net. She is roughly 54 x 24, plans are to run 4 photo plants under the scrog in 3gals of coco set up on strippers. This wont happen until everything in my room is cleared out...

I'm out on that note, lots of work to do. Sorry to,ramble guys but you know what happens when I smoke before posting lol

Ill update this tonight with some porn to keep it interesting
Been slacking on the pics but as we all know growing these monsters is the easy part trimming them is the hard part. At least for me its my least favorite lol

Been moving stuff around and trying to make things better and flow way smoother. So far so good.

So to recap, ive chopped my akxbd scrog girl and have removed that net from the room. I have also removed my sweet cheese from my flower room. I only moved her because I'm trimming her this weekend and I wanted to get some work done in my room.

Also chopped down my 1gal champagne kush and surprisingly yielded 29.6g from her lol. I wasn't going for weight but more of a natural grow to see her structure.

Serious happiness got chopped yesterday and is currently hanging. I'm a little upset I wasnt able to get her clone to root. But its ok it opens my room up for a different bean.

Heres a few pics of how it looks now. I added a full length net frame and plan to do the same under my cob fixture once I chop down mpre plants lol

An ounce off a 1 gallon res. I like it. What genetics do you think you'll replace that clone that didn't root with?
It was in 1 gal of coco. Yea I was surprised at the yield.

I've already put 2 seeds into coco to replace the serious happiness lol. I have a Durban poison I got from a bag, and I just dropped a female seeds blueberry cheesecake.
Does anyone know if @MarshydroTina still checks up on afn??
Hi FF,
I'm still on here, but not usually log in AFN, your plants are great, how old are they?
If you have any questions, you can tag me or pm me, I will received notifications by email.
Hi FF,
I'm still on here, but not usually log in AFN, your plants are great, how old are they?
If you have any questions, you can tag me or pm me, I will received notifications by email.
Awesome,thats so cool that you still pop in.

Just finished my 9th week of flower and am currently harvesting. Consistently getting 6oz+ with your 600w lights.

I will pm you in a few to discuss some future plans.
Awesome,thats so cool that you still pop in.

Just finished my 9th week of flower and am currently harvesting. Consistently getting 6oz+ with your 600w lights.

I will pm you in a few to discuss some future plans.
Great! Congrats FF:cheers:
Any questions feel free to pm me:bighug:
Been slacking lately but its time I log my reset... Even if its been a few weeks after the reset lol

Been really busy with harvest and reset and school and work and home that I've really been neglecting my girls this round :( my vegging girls show it the most. But they will come back, they are just mothers that dont need for the next 2 months so I'm not too stressed. I plan to pop new beans in about a month anyway for the next round.

1 veg tent, showing 2 clones. Sweet,cheese, Durban poison

2 veg tent, currently have a sweet cheese, Durban poison, and a cross I made fruitylicious x cotton candy fem

3 mars hydro side of my room, from back left clockwise, 2 akxbd in dwc, sweet cheese, another cross I made wonder woman x ravnus, fruitylicious [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] in the back right and front right, then I have 2 seedlings and my solo cup contender hanging out in the left front corner.

4 dwc girls under my cob build, from left to right. Champagne kush, akxbd, fruitylicious [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]


Time to clean the room and get ready for the next round. @Rebel finally got around to updating lol. How are things on your side of the computer screen?