Indoor My "hella noob" grow

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Hopefully, whatever you grow will not pass for a "fat rip". That might not be a very nice smoke... :no:
you don't know my rips.
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Guy on the phone said that cfl has about 1/3 yield as led and the metal one. True?
It depends on which cfl is being compared to which led and/or metal one (this might be a MH, not sure).

Have you by any chance spend any time looking through the vast resources here about grow lighting. There is enough info available where you will be able to get a better idea of what will work best for your situation.

When I first started, I was champing at the bit, so I just kind of dove in. I still learned some stuff but the grow didn't go well because I had like two people out of a thousand tell me I didn't have to worry about pH that much, so I didn't. Two people told me what I wanted to hear, so I ignored the 998 that told me something else. Hey, I know you're not as dumb as me, but if I had been a little more patient, gotten a little bit more prepared, I would have had a decent yield instead of an embarrassing one and I wouldn't have had to buy more than one light kit, like I ended up doing.

Just my :2cents:
I'll do some lurking around. You nailed it though, I am chomping at the bit. I am thinking about getting a 2' T5 system and switching the bulbs to bloom when that comes necessary.
Personally, I've not used the T-5's. I use HID's and cfl's. Muddy and Tshirt use LED's. All work, and it gets confusing when you're starting out. Sometimes, it takes some digging to decide which valid opinion best fits your situation.

Everybody who reads your posts, has been there. The wealth of information available also leads to some confusion.

One word of advice... it is a temptation to ignore the advice we don't want, and heed the advice that pleases our ears. Just for example, you pushed advice regarding grow odor right to the side, like it's not going to matter. It might not... but, it might be prudent to give that a little more consideration. There's a reason you see so much about it... It is a real security issue unless you're completely legal. If you're 100% legal, stink the place to high heaven. Heck, I'd never think of covering it up if I didn't have to. Me likey! :D
Personally, I've not used the T-5's. I use HID's and cfl's. Muddy and Tshirt use LED's. All work, and it gets confusing when you're starting out. Sometimes, it takes some digging to decide which valid opinion best fits your situation.

Everybody who reads your posts, has been there. The wealth of information available also leads to some confusion.

One word of advice... it is a temptation to ignore the advice we don't want, and heed the advice that pleases our ears. Just for example, you pushed advice regarding grow odor right to the side, like it's not going to matter. It might not... but, it might be prudent to give that a little more consideration. There's a reason you see so much about it... It is a real security issue unless you're completely legal. If you're 100% legal, stink the place to high heaven. Heck, I'd never think of covering it up if I didn't have to. Me likey! :D
I don't know what to do about smell- I'm saving that battle until it's ready to fight (should be funny right?).

You're right about all these opinions though, I'm just sifting through the bulk and finding what seems relevant. I know quite a bit now about stuff, I just have no experience!

I went ahead and got the T5 light [2' 4 bulbs], I found a lot of support around the net for them and I'll let you guys know how it goes. I'll get some bloom bulbs for em when it's time.

Question- Should I start a grow journal or should I keep updating here in this crazy thread?

Thanks guys
Should I start a grow journal or should I keep updating here in this crazy thread?
It's completely up to you. It might help someone else in the future if they get the whole picture... even the parts that might be a little "crazy". :D

I went ahead and got the T5 light [2' 4 bulbs],
Fine choice, if it fits your situation. Ripster is the guy to talk to about those. :peace: EDIT: Jackal, don't you use T-5's?

I don't know what to do about smell- I'm saving that battle until it's ready to fight (should be funny right?).
Brother, it will not be funny if you get fitted for bracelets over it. At least check out some options, just in case it's more than what you think...
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Sorry, but I think you are setting yourself up for a fall by thinking that way. The reason I brought up the odor issue is because I've seen many people not consider it, build their grow box without proper filtering, only to have to tear it apart and redo it again. You can not pass off the smell of flowering plants as taking a good rip. The smell is totally different. And the smell will be throughout your whole house or apartment, not just the room you're growing in. There are people who have had to pull their plants 6 or 7 weeks into the grow because the smell got so potent it was becoming a security risk. I was hoping your would address this issue before buying your lights. With only 5' of vertical space there won't be enough room inside the box for a carbon filter, so it would need to be either mounted outside the box or the box would need to be bigger. And a redesigned box might give you other options for your lights.

When I built my little indoor area, big enough to hold 4 plants, I vented it directly outdoors without a carbon filter. Great, no smell in the house. But anyone who came within 50 to 75' of my house could smell it outdoors. Fortunately my closest neighbor is 500' away. But I didn't want to risk that the UPS guy, or a Jehovah Witness, or the mail man would smell it and cause problems so I quickly installed a carbon filter. Fortunately I had left room for one so I didn't have to redesign my grow area. I can only advise you based on my experience and what I know of others' experiences. But I do think you need to address the odor problem now before you get any further with your project.

I don't know what to do about smell- I'm saving that battle until it's ready to fight (should be funny right?).
Unless your grow is 100% legal and licensed, please don't skimp on smell..

Three ways to get caught;

Tell people
Don't take care of smell
Steal electricity

Which one will ruin your grow?
I totally agree you must have a carbon filter if your growing illegally or it just a matter of time till your door is getting smashed in either by the police or thieves..stealth is key in this game man,ignore it at your peril:peace: