Personally, I've not used the T-5's. I use HID's and cfl's. Muddy and Tshirt use LED's. All work, and it gets confusing when you're starting out. Sometimes, it takes some digging to decide which valid opinion best fits your situation.
Everybody who reads your posts, has been there. The wealth of information available also leads to some confusion.
One word of advice... it is a temptation to ignore the advice we don't want, and heed the advice that pleases our ears. Just for example, you pushed advice regarding grow odor right to the side, like it's not going to matter. It might not... but, it might be prudent to give that a little more consideration. There's a reason you see so much about it... It is a real security issue unless you're completely legal. If you're 100% legal, stink the place to high heaven. Heck, I'd never think of covering it up if I didn't have to. Me likey!