Outdoor My first Year no Cloning


R.I.P. Gone, but not forgotten.
Jul 10, 2011
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Every other year. I have started clone mothers in November the year before to have proven females ready for Spring outdoor and upper balcony planting.

Last year 2011 I started my clone mothers from femmed seed and didn't have to clone for sex to prove the plants female. A true pain in the ass.

It made starting the clone mothers could be put forward by a couple of months.

this year I decided not to clone at all and have just started all femmed seeds. Yup femmed seed is totally the way of the future. If you have reservations about femmed seed then you should keep on cloning for sex and then cloning for planting by all means it is totally your choice.

My choice is femmed seeds and bye bye cloning. I was never really good at in anyway. Others coud get 100% by their own estimates. I was lucky if I got 75%. I am wicked good at making femmed seeds and I think it is the future. I could be wrong but I don't think so.

Weigh in guys and gals and tell me what I am missing I would be happy to hear your comments.
I agree with seeds. I find them easier than cloning. Will you be planting Autos or photos outside?
The one plus I found with cloning is that I could pick a certain pheno and use that for my mother . But , I like the idea of fem seeds to free up some area by not having mothers and a clone area .
Start any of my strains and see the sex in 30 days @ 18hrs of light, or in a green house... No need for clones...
The one plus I found with cloning is that I could pick a certain pheno and use that for my mother . But , I like the idea of fem seeds to free up some area by not having mothers and a clone area .

yes, and pick the wrong clone mom and it maybe disastrous year...one mold prone mom and everything outside goes to shit.
I do plant G13 Haze autos outside they are just way too big for inside. If I was growing any other super clones I would grow them outside. I plant my mid size autos, Russian Rocket Fuel and AA up on my balcony in containers. Everything else outside and upstairs are short photos. I grow a few of the taller photos like Chocolope Jackalope and Trainwreck in the swamp in old tires cause they are so tall they stick out like sore thumbs.

I agree with seeds. I find them easier than cloning. Will you be planting Autos or photos outside?
I agree with the point you are making if you are growing enough clone mothers and it is a type with multi pnenos you do get to pick the one you want to clone from. I have to sort out the phenos when I grow from seed. I got a bunch of different places I can put them. Tall ones head to the swamp or into hanging baskets from my third floor balcony. Medium ones go in the raised beds and the wicked short ones I just heave.

Your point about freeing up the room for clone mothers and clones is also so true. I needed another place to do my Fem breeding and kissing the clones bye bye opened it up for me.

The one plus I found with cloning is that I could pick a certain pheno and use that for my mother . But , I like the idea of fem seeds to free up some area by not having mothers and a clone area .
Also wicked true. I have in the past picked a Jack Herer that all the offspring hermied. After I had planter them the mother hermied to. Last time I ever grew uncrossed Jack Herer. I had the same luck with a bubblegum mom. Half the buds molded wicked even after I picked them and brought them in to dry. Yucksville.

yes, and pick the wrong clone mom and it maybe disastrous year...one mold prone mom and everything outside goes to shit.
The optimum way to pick a good mother is to have several that show what you want in a pheno and use clones from each to grow out . Indoors it's easier since ,mold is less of of problem . But can be done outdoors for one season to get that dream mother you want .

During my "heavy" grow era we would keep up to 20 moms around . Several thousand clones for the season , then pick the patches that did best as to what we wanted . Look back to what moms produced those clones and kept those . The rest went under 12/12 and were finished off .

I understand the idea that one pheno may look great etc but be susceptible to mold and you won't know until it's to late . That's why I (we) run more than one mother . Having a few fellow growers to spread the moms ,cuttings,and strains helps a lot .

Not knocking fem seeds by any means . I plan on doing my own . I like the idea of putting seedlings out and not having to worry about sexing them . Always found seedlings to do better than clones , but hated having to go in and sex them .
Usually when I make a post I get a few remarks from out in the ozone or on a subjest like this I would get a whole bunch of the ruining the gene pool types. This time all I am getting is replies that are 100% bang on true. Where are all the nutcases with the 4 pages of scientific mumbo jumbo to tell me why I am so off the mark that have little or no growing experience. The trouble is most of you who are answering have a lot of grow experience. What a breath of fresh air. I always thought seedlings do better than clones also but I was often yelled down on that one also. I think femmed seeds are the future.

The optimum way to pick a good mother is to have several that show what you want in a pheno and use clones from each to grow out . Indoors it's easier since ,mold is less of of problem . But can be done outdoors for one season to get that dream mother you want .

During my "heavy" grow era we would keep up to 20 moms around . Several thousand clones for the season , then pick the patches that did best as to what we wanted . Look back to what moms produced those clones and kept those . The rest went under 12/12 and were finished off .

I understand the idea that one pheno may look great etc but be susceptible to mold and you won't know until it's to late . That's why I (we) run more than one mother . Having a few fellow growers to spread the moms ,cuttings,and strains helps a lot .

Not knocking fem seeds by any means . I plan on doing my own . I like the idea of putting seedlings out and not having to worry about sexing them . Always found seedlings to do better than clones , but hated having to go in and sex them .