New Grower My (first) rubbermaid stealth grow journal!

  • Thread starter Thread starter codebreaker1003
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Looking very nice.
great mine look about the same..i was worried that they were taking too long to
seems like im spending more time worrying about whats gonna go wrong instead of just enjoying the like a nervous first time dad..
Lol me too! I was worried at first but once it started i chilled out...
I just started making a new grow box too! Its a pvc frame thats 3ft tall 2ft wide and 1ft deep, im gonna cover it in 6mil panda film (white side in) and put a zipper on the front, perfect to fit in my closet and i can easily attach the cpu fans for intake and exhaust! Ill post pics of it when i get a chance and ill do a pic update of the plant today or tomorrow!!
Heres the pic update! She legit doubled in size over the last 3 days, I assembled the pvc frame for my box (cost under $10) and now i just gotta order a 10x10 roll of Black and white poly and ill have a nice grow bow for her and My next few grows!!
IMG_6178.jpgIMG_6180.jpgIMG_6182.jpgIMG_6184.jpgIMG_6186.jpg :drool:
wow bro, looks great! is it feminized, or a reg seed? hopefully its a female, hate for such a beauty to turn some nuts..
Noice! Sorry for the short words. Tired but I am still here checking in. haha
Its feminized so she's gonna be one hell of a plant (hopefully! lol) Ill be ordering the panda film today so i she can move to a bigger box...
I have a question about the pot though... I guess i didn't really fill it up all the way and the pots only about half full of soil right now, would it be a bad idea to take her out, add soil, and put her back in? It seems that her leaves are hitting the sides of the pot because she is so low!