New Grower My first grow

Off the top of my head I'd say you started feeding it too early or your using your nutrients full strength which is not advised until the plant has at least 4 regular leaves . :tiphat:

I haven't added anything, maybe overwatering then?

Day 5,

Some of the plants are showing slight yellowing, really not sure what this could be because I'm sure i'm under watering if anything
and there should be enough nutrients already in the soil. I still haven't added anything yet, I ordered some Root Juice yesterday tho

They're getting 20/4 under 1 600w hps

2 seeds didn't make it, one didnt pop at all and the other died as a seedling

Day 6,

Everything seems except for the white widow and sleestack
The widow hasn't done much in a few days so not sure whats going to happen..
The sleestack its yellowing even more but it's no bother because its not an auto
so I will just scrap that one.

Sorry the bad pics but it's the best my iphone 4s can provide
How you getting on Jimman?

I didn't see anyone ask what kind of soil you're rocking - is the bio-mix biobizz Allmix or Biobizz Lightmix?

The all mix can be a bit hot to start autos with - it depends largely on the strain. I've gone through 50 litres of it, some burned, some didnt.

I wouldn't scrap that sleestack if you've got the room - it's a photoperiod so will probably recover and you can use her for training etc - topping, fimming etc. Thats what's nice about photos, you can give them real abuse and still save them with some extra time! :)
How you getting on Jimman?

I didn't see anyone ask what kind of soil you're rocking - is the bio-mix biobizz Allmix or Biobizz Lightmix?

The all mix can be a bit hot to start autos with - it depends largely on the strain. I've gone through 50 litres of it, some burned, some didnt.

I wouldn't scrap that sleestack if you've got the room - it's a photoperiod so will probably recover and you can use her for training etc - topping, fimming etc. Thats what's nice about photos, you can give them real abuse and still save them with some extra time! :)

Hi there Blue!

I'm using light mix with 30% perlite added.
I will defo keep the Sleestack for training as you say.. if it survives that is lol

Just got my root justice today, only watered yesterday so will have to wait to add or is it still too early?

Sweet - Lightmix is good! :)

Just got my root justice today, only watered yesterday so will have to wait to add or is it still too early?

You wont want to water today- i'd give it a couple of days (or three) to dry out a bit. While you don't want your roots to be in dusty dry soil you do want your roots to go searching - the more the roots spread and grow, the better the plant could turn out.

As for when to add root justice .. it's not one i know so the safest thing to do would be to check the EC if you can. If it's organic, it will have no EC (or 0 EC) and be safe to use whenever. If it smells like fish, you'll want to stop using it a couple of weeks before harvesting.

I use Rhizotonic which is a root stim made by canna and use it all the way from very early seedling (from first showing) to about day 65 ish.

Also its also worth check it's PH from the bottle, if it's high and has no EC, you can use a little extra to bring the PH into range if you go to far with the lemon juice (as PH down)

All the best
Blue :)
Sweet - Lightmix is good! :)

You wont want to water today- i'd give it a couple of days (or three) to dry out a bit. While you don't want your roots to be in dusty dry soil you do want your roots to go searching - the more the roots spread and grow, the better the plant could turn out.

As for when to add root justice .. it's not one i know so the safest thing to do would be to check the EC if you can. If it's organic, it will have no EC (or 0 EC) and be safe to use whenever. If it smells like fish, you'll want to stop using it a couple of weeks before harvesting.

I use Rhizotonic which is a root stim made by canna and use it all the way from very early seedling (from first showing) to about day 65 ish.

Also its also worth check it's PH from the bottle, if it's high and has no EC, you can use a little extra to bring the PH into range if you go to far with the lemon juice (as PH down)

All the best
Blue :)

I wasn't planning on watering until they need it.

Ok thanks for all your help
:welcome:Aloha Jimmann! & welcome to AFN~

as per usual I'mma lil behind in the welcoming but I'm subbed up and ready to follow your GJ... You'll be my first, awww...
Love your set up and the strains you got going, its very exciting.

Wishing you mucho green-mojo! :Growing:

Hi Jimmann,

That's one nice set up for a first grow, hopefully your plants will grow up to be as green as my envying of it, looks like blue has your back so your of on a winner.
That's one hell of a goodl looking girl you posted blue (pffft @ average )

Good luck with the grow jimmann
Day 7,

Growing well but still showing signs of maybe over heating? or from over watering but I will
allow to dry this time. The white widow is lagging behind tho


Day 8,

Growing well but dont look what i would call healthy as the leaves look stressed


Once the pots are dryer i'll add the root juice