New Grower My First Grow - x4 Dedoverde Haze 400w HID

Day 5

Moved my light down to 18" from my ladies this morning (about 19 1/2" from soil), and my pots were starting to feel pretty light, so each got about 500 ml of plain tap water today. My RH was a bit low (38-40%), but has been a steady 45% since watering, which I guess is a good thing.

Day 8

I know the updates have probably been too frequent, but once I get my first couple sets of true leaves and feel like I'm mostly out of the woods the updates will be weekly.

Everything is going good for the most part, but again I have a few concerns.

Some of the serrated edges on the first sets of leaves are curling inward, and one of the ladies has a couple brown spots (two second to last pics), other than that they look pretty healthy to me. Also, towards the edge of one of the pots there's a tiny green sprout popping up above the soil, any idea what this is (it's the last picture)?

My 400w MH was about 18" from the tops of my seedlings (each are around 2" tall), but I just raised it to 19", plan to lower it to around 16" once the first few sets of leaves are fully developed.

I watered with around 250 ml each on day 5, on day 6 the pots were very light and the soil was dry 2-3" down so I gave them 500 ml each. Trying to let them dry out as much as possible to promote root growth, but don't want to overdo it. Now today, the pots feel very light but the soil is still somewhat moist 1-2" below the surface, going to give it another 4-5 hours, check again and likely give another half litre.

I'm using Pro Mix HP CC which is about 12-15% perlite (I added another 12-13%) 30% chunk coir and the remainder is peat, tested PH a day or so after my initial soaking and it read exactly 6.5, I've been watering with plain un ph'd tap water (sat out do dechlorinate) with a PH right around 7.0 and PPM of 95-100. When I begin feeding everything will be PH'd to 6.1-6.2

I'm also wondering if anyone has ever used RH as a rule of thumb for when to water again. When my pots are dry the RH will be around 39-40% and temps around 82-84F dead steady. After watering the RH will go up to 49-50%, temps will drop to 79F and be steady for a day or so before declining back to the baseline.

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Leave edges curling down can be a sign of overwatering, curling up is usually heat stress. The spots just look like a little water splashed over the leaves while watering maybe?
All looks good man and keep the updates coming as often as you feel like
Think I may have actually splashed a bit of water on the one with spotting, but carefully brushed it off and didn't think much of it. The spots come through as white in the pics, but they're actually light brown. Temps in my tent haven't gone over 84F, so I'm not sure why they would be heat stressed. My skin is EXTREMELY sensitive to light, and I can hold my hand 5-10" over the top of my plants for several minutes with no discomfort. Wondering if the dryness has something to do with it, RH drops to 39-40% by the time they're ready for another watering.
Day 10

Gave the ladies their first feeding yesterday, 4ml of A+B and voodoo juice in 4L of water, each plant got about 750 ml... Think I may have overdone it a bit, because the leaf tips (just the tips) were droopy from time I watered until I went to bed, about 6 hours. But they all seem to have perked back up this morning. I'm having a hard time judging when to water these fabric pots, they all felt very light, as light as they were when I first filled them before soaking, but the soil was still damp 2" down. I have some concerns about two of them (the two on the right), which don't seem to be growing as well as the other two. I had moved my 400w MH down to 14" for a few hours, but decided to be safe and put it back at 16" for now. Going to move it down again on day 15-20.

Group shot - I'm concerned that maybe my fans are causing too much air circulation. They're not blowing directly on my babies by any means, when I put my hand around them at all angles I can't even feel the breeze myself, but the ambient air circulation is enough to keep them in a constant state of motion. They're not swaying much at all, but the leaves are constantly fluttering and dancing, occasionally the stem will sway a couple mm if I look closely. I know that a gentle breeze is good for them, but should it be constant? I assume this constant state of motion would also occur in nature even when the breeze is very light or almost non existent.


The Champ - I have no worries about this little gal, she appears to be leagues ahead of the other 3. They were all showing a yellowing of the center vein on the second set of true leaves, which from what I was reading could be a ca or mag deficiency? But this gal went full green overnight, I assume the feed had something to do with it as nothing else has changed


The Runner Up - This gal also appears to be doing pretty well. Here you can see the discoloration of the center vein (right side), the champ also had this but it disappeared overnight. My only concern about this gal is that the second set of true leaves coming in from the main stem hasn't shown much growth, and the others have.


The Runt - The second set of true leaves haven't fully developed on this guy like with the other two, but the third set that's coming in has shown some growth overnight. Also, the soil in this pot was still wet at the surface this morning, and the others were dry. This leads me to believe that she isn't taking in as much water? She's in a different pot than the other 3, the guy at the hydro store gave me a x1 5 gal by mistake when I asked for x4 3 gal pots, so I went to a different store and got another one, but it isn't the same brand. This is also the plant that had a green sprout pop up toward the edge of the pot a few days ago. I buried it back under the soil and it hasn't reared it's ugly little head since. Could this be some kind of weed that's growing in the pot and restricting the roots? Is it maybe a root that surfaced because it grew upwards instead of downwards in search of moisture? She looks healthy to me, but the second set of leaves haven't shown the same side growth as the other 3, that and the top of the soil still being damp has me concerned.


Brown Spots - The spotting on this guy is on both sides of the leaf (in the same spot), but the underside almost seems indented where the spotting occurs while the top doesn't This spotting only appears on the first set of leaves and not the second, so I'm guessing it's going to be okay. However, on the second set of true leaves,, the right side seems to be developing fine, and the other side (bottom left), not so much, it actually looks kinda deformed to me


I''m also concerned that the top of my soil dries out within hours of watering, while staying moist underneath. I've read that this is common in peat based mediums, but isn't this a bad thing?

Anyone that takes the time to read through this and help out has my utmost appreciation. I know there's quite a bit here, but I'm like a parent that's scared for his children, they're all I can think about. Piff.

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Day 12

As far as I can can tell, things are going pretty good for now. They each got their 2nd 1/4 strength feeding of Sensi Grow A+B and Voodoo Juice earlier today (500-600ml each). Each plant currently 2-3" tall, and stems seem to be starting to thicken up nicely. Light is 15-16" away, might lower it a bit more in a few days.

Going to keep the name of each plant the same regardless of any changes, for the sake of tracking individual progress.

The Champ



The Runner Up

The third set of true leaves that's coming in shows some yellow discoloration, this is the only one. I'm guessing it's nothing to worry about. It's also a slightly paler shade of green than the other 3.



The Runt

The 2nd set of true leaves on this guy never fully developed like the previous two, but the third set appears to be coming in nicely. Is this normal?



Brown Spots

None of the new growth is showing any spotting. First set of true leaves seem to be deformed.



Group Photo!

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They can't look any better than that!

off to a great start

Thanks guys, it's silly how worried and doubtful I was when starting out lol. Hopefully it will be mostly smooth sailing from here on out.

There was a power outage in my area the day before yesterday, for just a second or two. But I was unable to get my MH bulb to strike back up for a couple of hours. Anyone know if these eye hortilux bulbs have a long restrike time? Using it with a quantum ballast. Power must have gone out again that night because when I woke up the light was off. This time however, it came right back on... I'm assuming they went another 3-4 hours wiithout any light. They had been getting light 24/7 until then, but it didn't seem to have any effect.

Day 15

Started Carboload today at 1 ml / L, upped A+B to 1.2 ml / L. Each still getting 500-600 ml every 1-2 days, going to try giving them around 700-800 ml each within the next week or so. Everything looks good for the most part, aside from a few deformed (or under developed?) fan leaves on the Runt and Brown Spots (two last plants). Also noticing some slight yellowing around the veins on the Champ, but not too worried about it for now. The last plant (Brown Spots) also has chunks missing from two digits on one of the most recent fan leaves, not sure what would have caused this. Moved the light up an inch or so, think I was starting to notice some very slight heat stress / bleaching on the new growth.

The Champ

Looking good other than some slight yellowing around the veins on the most recent set of fan leaves. All growth is uniform, 1 fingers, two fingers, 3 fingers so far for each set of fan leaves.


The Runner up

Nice fat leaves (surprised the others aren't like this since it's 60% sativa), all around healthy looking plant from where I'm standing.



The Runt

Looking good other than for some under developed fan leaves. 1st set has no fingers, second set is missing one (top right).


Brown Spots

Has chunks missing from 2 digits on one of the most recent fan leaves (top right last pic). Also, one of the first fan leaves is missing both digits, and the other is missing one. Looking good aside from that.


Group Time


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