New Grower My first grow! Berry Ryder@ week 6.5 - Day 41 and counting!

you could take it when your ready or leave it 1 more week or so either way the BR will be dank yours looks very very healthy and will yeild well i got 3 oz from 1 BR and i had alot of probs during the grow :group:
Ya buddy!I remember when I grew my BR.So sweet it makes ya wanna bite it.LOL!Nice tric pics too btw!:thumbs:VERY nice. I think youll be very pleased my friend.let us know how the bag method works too man,Im lookin to try that my next chop as well.:wiz:
She looks super DANK man!!! Can't wait to see her with her clothes off!! :bone:
Dude, That was a commendable grow! So...whatcha think of the eBay LED? Is it what you expected, worth whatever you paid for it??