New Grower My first grow, an autoflower story - Presenting Pakistan Ryder.

Aug 9, 2015
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Hey there!

As I mentioned in my live introduction I'm a brand new grower, and after a long (almost 3 year) preparation, I'm under way! I read that a great way to get started beyond the obvious is to have a grow journal, so this is the first of many, I hope that you're reading now!

My preparation consisted of so many forum threads, and grow videos that it sometimes felt so overwhelming but now I'm underway I feel much more relaxed, and this site, although only discovered recently has really resonated with me and I'm happy that you've welcomed me, and I hope to share many great lessons that I learn along the way with you all :)

So to catch you up, my current grow equipment is:

  • 40x40x120 grow tent.
  • 120w LED grow light.
  • 6" inline extraction fan (generic, pretty sure a link isn't necessary for this xD).
  • 6" clip on desk fan for circulation (this doesn't oscillate, but is positioned at the top of the tent above the light).
  • Analogue PH meter
  • Temperature/humidity meter (this has to sit outside the tent however as it seems the tent blocks the signal to the base station, I also have an analogue one inside the tent).
The temperature seems to be alright for now, but thinking ahead I've got a tubular heater on the way to hopefully keep things nice and comfortable in there when the temperatures start to drop.

The main star of the show is Pakistan Ryder, and I'm growing her in a generic potting soil mixed with perlite at a rough estimate of 3:1 ratio (I'm not sure if this is enough perlite now, but it felt like a lot when I was prepping the pot).

I started her out in a very moist peat plug with a humidity dome over the top on the kitchen window ledge, and at the same time I prepared the medium by 3/4 filling the pot with the potting soil, saturating this and leaving it in one of those cheap plastic greenhouse tent things outside.

I sadly can't remember when I germinated my seed, but I'll count the transplant into the tent as day one, which was on the 29th July. I took the pot from the greenhouse, saturated it again and then turned in the perlite and moving it into the tent and dropped (carefully!) my seedling in :D

Since then, I've had her on a 18/6 light schedule, along with the extraction and desk fan on the same schedule, as well as both fans also turning on for 10 minutes per hour during the night period to move things about a bit, and get some fresh air in there. I read that overwatering is one of the fundamental mistakes many new growers make, so I've done my best to refrain from giving her too much, and she's had maybe three small showers up until now, which I count as day 13!

So that's where I am now! I'm happy to say that I have been taking pictures of her progress, perhaps I knew I'd do a grow journal at some point, so here we go:

Day 1 in the tent
IMG_20150729_175717.jpg IMG_20150729_175725.jpg As you can see, the pot I have is also 40cm wide, I was very lucky that it actually fit inside the tent, I did have to take one of the sides apart to get it in though, and this will make heavy watering/flushing interesting later, I'm still thinking of how I'll have to deal with this later.

Day 3

Day 8

Day 13 (today)

Thank you for reading, I think I'm doing alright for now but please, I hope it goes without saying, any advice and wisdom you have to share will be very welcome! I don't know how often is good form to update a journal, but I'll try and keep you updated :D

Much love!
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3 years of prep! You must be something excited! Good luck on your first grow, hope it works out great for you! One thing you neglected to mention is what nutrients/fertilizer you are using. It wont take long before the generic soil's nutrients are all eaten up and she'll get hungry. I see LED is the you have a way to supply girl with some calcium/magnesium?
Looking good Malevelo! You are off to a good start! she looks healthy and I hope you have some cal/mag on hand. She will need it soon. Sub'd up to your thread and keep doing what you are doing!:thumbsup: Need anything, let me know.
Good call on the nutrients, I've got some standard tomato feed at the moment, bought at the same time as the potting soil while I was paranoid about looking respectable... It's 6-2-4 which I think is a little low on phosphorus for flowering right? As everything I've read about autos says they don't really need much of a feed until week 4 or 5 I've not thought too much about specific nutes yet, I wanted to see if I could get the basics right first! It's definitely on the list though, and I was planning on heading to the grow shop this week to speak with the guy there to see what he had available :D
Actually a lot of the really successful growers of autos start feeding with weak ferts pretty early in growth. I also think they are using more nutrient rich soils than you are.(foxfarm ect)
Oh ok, I'll give her a really weak feed at the next watering then :) Thank you!

Take a look at Tangs feeding schedule in the fertilizer section. It'll give you a better idea of when you should apply different nutes like cal/mag ect
I feed by week 2 when the plants round leaves(cytoledons) start to turn light green. They are the very first energy used by the plant to grow and use its own energy. They will eventually yellow off and die. I feed at mid week 2 and go lite on the feedings. When the plant hits the flowering phase, I hammer it into submission with a heavy dose of flowering nutes around week 6-7 depending on the strain. I would suggest not using the tomato feed, but that is just me. The led lighting will eventually suck all the cal/mag out of the plant and you will start to get rust spots and the edges of the leaves will yellow and become brittle without it! :thumbsup:
Thanks for the input last night guys, I'm really happy you got me thinking about nutrients now, as I thought I still had a few weeks before they'd be necessary!

I checked out Tangs feeding schedule that you recommended, and she's going to need a lot more water than I'd anticipated, don't want her getting thirsty do we? :D I went up today and gave her a 1/2 strength feed of the tomato nutes I mentioned, just until I head over to the grow shop to get the recommended ones as I figure a little feed of something is better than nothing. I then dropped a few handfuls more of perlite on top around the top (I read someone recommend rinsing it first before using but I forgot about that so I dusted up the tent a little, oops!), then turned it in slightly across the topsoil and then rinsed again with plain water and made sure there was a bit of run off to make sure the entire pot was watered to make up for the sparse watering over the past 2 weeks :)

Here she is today, day 14 after watering
IMG_20150811_164857.jpg IMG_20150811_164907.jpg

Much Love!
Thanks for the input last night guys, I'm really happy you got me thinking about nutrients now, as I thought I still had a few weeks before they'd be necessary!

I checked out Tangs feeding schedule that you recommended, and she's going to need a lot more water than I'd anticipated, don't want her getting thirsty do we? :D I went up today and gave her a 1/2 strength feed of the tomato nutes I mentioned, just until I head over to the grow shop to get the recommended ones as I figure a little feed of something is better than nothing. I then dropped a few handfuls more of perlite on top around the top (I read someone recommend rinsing it first before using but I forgot about that so I dusted up the tent a little, oops!), then turned it in slightly across the topsoil and then rinsed again with plain water and made sure there was a bit of run off to make sure the entire pot was watered to make up for the sparse watering over the past 2 weeks :)

Here she is today, day 14 after watering
View attachment 474539 View attachment 474540

Much Love!
Very nice! It's looking nice! Can't wait to see how things finish!!!!