Picture is a little blurry but it does look like a pre flower of some sort. Those long fang looking things are stipules which every plant has, male or female. 50 days and no sex... What strain is that? You may have a photo or semi auto... Semi Auto meaning it shows sex under 20/4 or whatever veg schedule you use but will not flower unless put to 12/12. 50 days.. it should have Auto'd by now for sure. You may have to put it to 12/12 to force it to flower.
Its a dutch passion snowstorm #2. 17 inches tall. Dptony said it might be a rare super auto i wanted to make sure its not a male befor i take it out to my guerilla grow until it sexes.
In all due respect to Tony... In the last year of growing non stop I have found there's no such thing as a "rare Super Auto". It's probably and F1 (photo to auto cross, first generation offspring) that will not flower unless you put it to 12/12. 50 days of veg is long enough. Especially since it isn't an True Auto. I'm tired of these seed companies trying to make it seem like you have something special and rare. When to me it's an inconvenience having to put a plant to 12/12 when I'm trying to run all Autos. You were probably sold F1's of the photo to auto cross. Just pull it out of your cab for 12 hours each day in a sealed dark place with no light leakage. Within a week or 10 days you should know what it is. Probably sooner since you are already seeing pre flowers.
Then you will know if you need to pull it or not. Best of luck Dude! Also be aware it will double or triple in size once put to 12/12 but if you are going Guerilla size shouldn't matter to you.
Day 53 top colas. I decided to switch from potash to swell thinking that i have around 2 more weeks of feeding befor 10 days of flush. What do you guys think
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