Outdoor My first all auto outdoor grow


Perpetual Beginner
May 15, 2018
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
DIY - CBD:THC Edibles
I love living in Oregon, but the fall here can get wet and cold fast, and often hits hard in early October just when the buds are fat and ripe (here on the Wet Side of the state). That obviously leads to mold and PM problems. I've also been hit pretty hard by bud worms, but beyond that, last year my grow was hit by rippers at the end of the season. Which while all bad, are all good reasons to grow Autos. They will finish before the rain or the thieves come around.

Last summer I tried a few autos and learned some things. Obvious things, like "light matters" -- the ones that got more direct sunlight got much bigger. I also learned that bud worms are not season/time specific, they are plant cycle specific. Having only grown photos where they start showing up late September, I thought that if autos finished earlier they would avoid "worm season"... not true. Live and learn.

Here's the line up:

Royal Queen -- Critical (last to pop, hope she makes it)
Barney's Farm -- Sin Trabajo (struggling to make it)
-- Blue Mammoth
HighLowGrow -- (2) Berry Ryder
Sweet Seeds -- (2) Dark Devil
-- Mohan Ram
Southern Oregon Seeds -- Blueberry
Mephisto -- Sky Stomper
-- Chemdogging
-- Skylar White (8 days, no signs of life)

Some are off to a weak start, but the goal is to have 10 (my legal limit with 6 med and 4 rec), and if I only average 1.6oz each, I'll still make a pound which is all I need. I'll probably put them outside in another week, and then in the ground after they acclimate to the sun.

So far...


After starting these I did get some more Mephisto seeds, it's tempting to start a couple more. I now also have Sour Stomper, Cosmic Queen, and Walter White. I might just save them for next winter's indoor grow.
Lucky boy growing legal:pass:

growing autos is a learning process and good strain choice, what pot size are they in?

Ya, I was a med grower (just for one patient, my wife) before it became rec legal, but it's been a nice ride.

Thanks on the strain choice -- some were gifts, some were my first purchases which were kind of like throwing darts blindfolded... and then I learned about Mephisto and really got my wallet out. My wife is a long time smoker, so she needs high THC strains, and she prefers to stay active so Sativa doms are her choice. That limits things, but with so many choices out there sometimes its nice to have limits! LOL

They are in 1 gallon pots. I was sprouting photos a while back and had always sprouted in 4" pots, but I ran out and the last half dozen were put in 1 gallon pots. Across the board the ones sprouted in bigger pots grew big faster, I think the tap root not finding a lower limit so quickly set the pace for the rest of the plants life. Not science, just my experience, but from then on I always germinate in 1 gallon pots.
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I'm getting impatient! lol I've got about another week before they'll go out.

I prepped two new beds in our ever growing garden and ever shrinking yard, a good mix of local soil and amendments. Of course it will be even better next year, but it should get us off to a decent start.

05.20.18_big_new_bed.jpg 05.20.18_small_new_bed.jpg 05.20.18_auto_babies.jpg

Having some issues with my camera, tried the obvious -- I carefully cleaned the lens and then checked the surface under magnification -- I see nothing on the surface that should cause the blurriness I'm getting on the left side of each image :shrug:
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I'm getting impatient! lol I've got about another week before they'll go out.

I prepped two new beds in our ever growing garden and ever shrinking yard, a good mix of local soil and amendments. Of course it will be even better next year, but it should get us off to a decent start.

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Having some issues with my camera, tried the obvious -- I carefully cleaned the lens and then checked the surface under magnification -- I see nothing on the surface that should cause the blurriness I'm getting on the left side of each image :shrug:
Lovely looking garden you have there man and should be a great place for your babies to thrive.

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Sweet!! With raised beds like those i bet you are going to do really well!!
Thanks man! Trying to give them every opportunity to thrive I can :headbang:

Lovely looking garden you have there man and should be a great place for your babies to thrive.
Thank you -- the garden is all my :worship: wife's doing.

When we moved here 4 years ago, the back half (double city lot) was ALL lawn, this is her dream being realized over time. It's a great mix of flowers and edibles, from every kind of berry to fruit trees, and of course the veggie garden. I help with everything, but the cannabis are my girls.

May21-1.jpg May21-2.jpg May21-4.jpg May21-3.jpg May21-5.jpg
Thanks man! Trying to give them every opportunity to thrive I can :headbang:

Thank you -- the garden is all my :worship: wife's doing.

When we moved here 4 years ago, the back half (double city lot) was ALL lawn, this is her dream being realized over time. It's a great mix of flowers and edibles, from every kind of berry to fruit trees, and of course the veggie garden. I help with everything, but the cannabis are my girls.

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Thanks for sharing the pictures, looks beautiful.


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