Cheers Smokey. Funny thing.. got up this morning to discover that my photo grow is over. Long story how.. but my fan fell onto my Jack 33 and crushed it, and in the panic of trying to deal with the house REEKING.. I had to chop my entire photo grow a week or to early rather than face hermies. Not having a good time with plant-damage lately.
Still.. on the plus side I can put all my energy into the autos now. And while I'm there.. you know.. maybe kick over a pot, spill bleach over them or go the whole hog.. trip over and pull the entire tent down and set fire to the house ha ha
Thanks, though, GD. LST'ing is great fun. I started on my houseplants a while ago too and I'm seeing stellar results with an Umbrella plant. The principal behind it is so simple, too. If I can be of any help when you're looking into it don't be afraid to ask. More than happy to share what I've picked up along the way. Especially how NOT to be a prat and accidentally cut off entire tops of your favourite strain
Oooh.. I'll have to go find that. So far I'm HUGELY impressed with the strain and want to grow it again properly. That one was a bit rushed in veg for my liking. She's been the most robust girl I've ever grown. The term "sensitive to nutes" doesn't seem to be in with Jack's vocab.
Unfortunately, though, she can't quite handle inline fans dropping on her head when she''s asleep. Cest la vie
I've just trained the SAS one last time (probably not actualle knowing me) and for your viewing pleasure I took a few snaps along the way. I'd have liked to have given you a step-by-step guide today and although the snaps are all in time-order, I'm way too stoned to remember what I did or even how long it's been since I had a smoke. SO, the right thing to do would be to build another just in case it's been a long time, and while I do that I hope you enjoy the bondage snaps
All done:
And back in the tent:
I expect to see those growth tips turning upwards in a matter of hours but today's mission was really only about allowing more light to all possible nodes and tips or whatever they're called.. you know what I mean.. the bit that'll turn into bud later
Later on all this will mean that there'll be several colas but they should (if I've done it right) all be spaced apart so that light gets around each one relatively evenly.
looking nice and upright! Liking the looks of LST, thanks again for the tutorial. I wanna see how this one turns out, Goona go mom on you now, dont get too stoned and show us the way!!!!
Cheers INH glad you're finding it useful.. I popped a few snaps in the LST hub of the overnight upturning of the tips so you'll see how quickly it responds.
And don't worry fella.. I'm caned 24/7 so I'm used to running on.. on... sorry what were we talking about?
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