Dutch Passion MY BEANS ARE FINALLY HERE!!!!!!!!!!!AutoXtreme Grow Journal


Cultivators Club
Oct 11, 2014
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Now we can get started folks! I am so excited right now and cannot believe how jittery I am.

My setup is as follows IMG000008.jpgIMG000006.jpg

Lighting: 2 1kw lumatek dimmable MH/HPS

Ventilation: 2 440CFM 6" inline fans with ducting, direct intake from the attic.

Media: Semi-Recirulating DWC 6 5 gallon buckets
(airstones- I have 2 air pumps a 25L per hour and a 75l per hour two airstones going into each bucket, so each bucket has a stone from the 25 and the 75)

C02: I have one of the EZC02 bags in the room now(believe me I am not too optimistic for its effectiveness)Plan on upgrading to bottled c02 if I can close the ventilation off and keep the temps in check, as it gets colder it will be easier.

Strain: Dutch Passion AutoXtreme

Nutes: I have Humboldt Nutes a and B with the white widow stuff.(I will probably change to Dutch Pro but there is a couple of weeks before I plan on feeding.

As for right now I am going to get some 5.5 Ph'd water and into the paper towels!!!

I will be updating this very frequently, probably too much for most but here we go!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOO HOOOOOO!
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:karma Cloud:Glad to see your excited to get started,but don't hurry anything and just relax.
Subbed up for the show."Munch..munch..munch

Sending some Colorado grow :karma Cloud:karma your way.
:karma Cloud:Glad to see your excited to get started,but don't hurry anything and just relax.

Yes I am very exctied as I have had things ready to go for about 3 weeks now, I purposfully left about a day or 2 worth of things to get just right in my grow space, like bleaching the walls putting new water in the system and letting it dechlorinate and PH it. Stuff like that while the little buggers are germinating. I am kinda bummed though I DONT HAVE A SINGLE PAPER TOWEL!!! I have to wait until my ole lady gets home so I can go buy some lol.

Thanks for the Karma, I will need as much as I can get. I am the most patientlly impatient person on earth and I drive myself nuts choosing this as my passion, because by nature I am very very impatient. Growing quality top grade canna forces me to have patientce.
Subbed up for the show."Munch..munch..munch

Sending some Colorado grow :karma Cloud:karma your way.

Ronin glad to see ya here, glad to know some expereince will be keeping a watchful eye on my screw ups lol. I have not been this nervous to start a grow ever. I am going to do 2 giant dabs to calm myself down and get centered again to focus on the upcoming task at hand. God I LOVE Colorado!!! Ronin I have a feeling you miiiiight get a taste of this run just cause you are so damn cool :) I am as happy as I have ever been right now I think.
Soo glad to hear you finally got your beans! Now you can finally scratch that nasty itch! Anyway I'm pulling up a ring side seat for this one bro! Wishing you lots of bud luck;)
Thanks bro, I am finishing up a few last little details while waiting for the beans to germ. I have almost everything dialed in. All that is left is to cut out the lid covers for each bucket
:goodluck: with your grow amigo...I also purchased a ring side seat next to Justin....sending looots of awesome :karma Cloud: bro....

p.s. Justin, pass the dutchie..."AFN smoke out"..

Salud señores...
Thanks for stoppin by for sure. I will probably update via posts until there is something picture worthy. Right now not too exciting as most of you know
Yes I am very exctied as I have had things ready to go for about 3 weeks now, I purposfully left about a day or 2 worth of things to get just right in my grow space, like bleaching the walls putting new water in the system and letting it dechlorinate and PH it. Stuff like that while the little buggers are germinating. I am kinda bummed though I DONT HAVE A SINGLE PAPER TOWEL!!! I have to wait until my ole lady gets home so I can go buy some lol.

Thanks for the Karma, I will need as much as I can get. I am the most patientlly impatient person on earth and I drive myself nuts choosing this as my passion, because by nature I am very very impatient. Growing quality top grade canna forces me to have patientce.

Wow dude you really are psyched. Did ya give the postman a hug and a kiss when they delivered today? Dial it down a notch and proceed. I too am very patient except when I'm not (which is most of the time). Are we there yet

Been waiting for your start. Mind if I pull up a chair?

May the bud gods smile upon you and your babies