Indoor My Auto Bubble and Auto Bomb

So been to check the height of my girls and there are as follows

Auto Bubble is exacaly 31inch (80Cm) in height and 2ft 1inch in width 64Cm

Auto Bomb 27in (69cm) height and 19inch 48CM width

I also have a question about harvest....
I know you can do a part harvest on an auto bud if i was to remove all the smaller buds would that help fatten the main Kola up or stress it out??
stress it out at this late stage it will swell over this week anyway
Auto Bomb can anyone tell me whats causing the leaf curl??
51daybomb (2).jpg 51daybomb (3).jpg

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51daybomb (6).jpg

Auto Bubble

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this is sick brow is that photo shop......
dont look serious probs heat stress did you plain water like i said the other day :) if so it will probs sort itself out
dont look serious probs heat stress did you plain water like i said the other day :) if so it will probs sort itself out
yeh plain water for 2 feeds then just 1ml grow and 1ml alg a mic :thumbs: