New Grower My 1st Grow.....

its actually much quieter now, then it used to be. I changed some loud fans and put on silent fans. I always have music playing,so that alone drowns out any low level fan sounds.
my girls grow up with music 24/7, I believe the tones of music has a direct effect on my plants,so I choose to play it for them. :D
its actually much quieter now, then it used to be. I changed some loud fans and put on silent fans. I always have music playing,so that alone drowns out any low level fan sounds.
yeah I play music for mine to.......thought about putting a speaker in the
my speaker touching corners of my tent,since i want vibrations to stimulate plant
some people not believe this works, but they do it in grape vineyards also and they do for a reason,because it works!
bro, i will take some shots later today & post wait until you see the amount of growth since I posted on saturday. My Trainwreck more then doubled in size. Today I was expecting to see sex on her, so we'll see when they wake up! I could still be off by a day or two, but I know I have be close.
actually she picked up steam, putting out 2 leaf sets per day,which imo is kinda amazing!
its incredible dude, i will look say when I first wake and see one just starting,by time they wake in late afternoon, I see 2nd starting and by bedtime for me, the next one set getting ready.
and the other incredible part is that my other 3 plants suddenly picked up speed as well 2 are right around mark to start going crazy, the 4th starting 3rd set, so like 2-3 days before that one takes off.