New Grower My 1st Grow, A journey...

CC Day 89 BDM Day 62
6:30 AM
Temp 76 RH 28
Four days until test taste!!
Good morning Gardeners! Pretty much unchanged this morning. Feel a bit light will probably water with CaMg+ 1/3 gal each. Getting closer to harvest. Debating weather or not to feed CC one last time and the put her on water rations for a good flush out. I know flushes are debated heavily elsewhere but it seems every one here in the auto-verse does. I will plan on flushing. BDM getting very close to what they say is harvest time. It's supposed to finish at 65 days. Hmmm maybe I'll feed one last time then and flush them all. The tricomes should tell me I'll check them.

My Magic Flight Launch Box arrived last night. Very nice little widget, and in my big mits it is little!! Well constructed, nicely thought out with all the accessories you need. Pretty excited to give it a try.
Will post a few pics and a small review after it's inaugural vape!
Checked trichomes. CC getting very close. Just water fo her after today. BDM has some cloudy but not as many as CC, also the lower and outer flowers still have a bit of white pistils showing yet. Probably feed them one more time.
Mixed up a gallon of aftw with 4.9ml CaMg+ and 10ml Resinator, no fusion bloom or anything else. Don't know why exactly, getting greedy as I get close to the finish?!? I figured it would not hurt and may increase resin production. I took a few photographs while I was doing all this and CC look like it's almost made of glass, even more so than last time. Looks like it would shatter if dropped! They were just quick shots for reference, if they look any good I'll put them up for you to see later when I get home.
Hey Willie - Sounds good mate!

I've recently got a MFLB too! Very handy - it hasnt stopped me smoking joints yet - but I like it! :)
A big question for you is what are you going to do with the trim... you aren't going to let it go to waste are ya? ;)
No,no no...
I will be saving the trim in the freezer for hash or oil making. My plan is to eventually have enough laid by so I can have a grow just for some RSO. I really want to examine the health benefits and try to eliminate some of the pharmaceuticals I am currently chained to. For the immediate future I am hoping that the right variety will help me replace some of my insomnia meds.
Score! haha I look to hear people using it for medication... hence me being an advocate. I don't have my med card as I reall don't have a prescription need for MJ but I think the benefits are immense. I am glad you are thinking about using it in replacement of insomnia meds! That makes me happy, that's probably about the only reason I could consider my use as medicinal... but I don't really have "insomnia" to the extent of it being classified as such. Anyways, I am rambling now, but I still think it is great that you want to use it as medicine. I plan on making bho with my trim... Oh so excited.
7:00 PM
Temp 75 RH 34
The smell is strong! The wife is not happy. One DIY Ona bucket coming up!
They looked like the liked the feed/water the received this morning. I think BDM is getting a bit darker on the top, could I have overfed a bit and caused that?
OK here's a question. Are they always this frosty? I see the stuff in the magazines, I see the see catalog pictures, I see my plants, I think mine look about the same if not more covered. I am just curious, I only have my garden to go by. I know I am obsessed and take way to many pictures!! Sorry.
@MJA There are so many things that interest me regarding the medical aspects. I'm hoping to see what I can do with Type II Diabetes, hypertension, not to mention my torn rotator cuff!! Ya fallin apart ya know!!
Here are some pictures, frostier and frostier. I do think they put on a little weight.



One of CC's side buds
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Mr.wwwillie lol what can I say other then :jaw:so frosty i can hardly see the leaves anymore haha. Great job man u convinced me to start my pks on some rock ferts. idk if ill get the whole line up by the time my grow is done but I'll most def. be getting that resinator. It looks like it works wonders so ill apply it w/ my ff trio nutes for now and see how it develops.Lookin forward to your

harvest pics, I know I can expect some crazy in dept photos and alot of em heheh.Keep up the good work man! Your progress so far has been amazing.