Mephisto Genetics Multiple Mephisto grow... F1's & artisinals

You know honestly ive done better with 2gallon pots, than the larger size pots.
That has a lot to do with starting seeds in large containers its easy to overwater. Which most new growers do enough of already lol.
Its hard to say if yield has been affected much with smaller pots in my case. I mean im getting best yields ever. But im sure that's a lot more to do with the fact im learning from past mistakes, and have just become a better grower in general.
In my opinion however, i think i will always prefer more plants with smaller pot size, than less plants with larger pots...
Make since??

That's good to know! I'm still fine tuning my cultivating but would like to stick to smaller pots , so far my 1st 2g attempt seems to be going well and it's much easier to manage so far.
Another thing- are your plants all touching each other or is there a distance between them so they don't? Right now I think I'm being OCD and have them spread out so they don't touch at all or block each other's light lol

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That's good to know! I'm still fine tuning my cultivating but would like to stick to smaller pots , so far my 1st 2g attempt seems to be going well and it's much easier to manage so far.
Another thing- are your plants all touching each other or is there a distance between them so they don't? Right now I think I'm being OCD and have them spread out so they don't touch at all or block each other's light lol

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At some points it gets pretty crowded with my setup. I keep humidity down and airflow pretty constant when its like that. I utilize a lot of leaf tucking to try to get as many budsites to the canopy as possible. I only use a 400watt hps for flowering as many plants as i can cram into a roughly 2.5 by 2.5 sq foot space. A 400 watt is pretty decent for that space, also i keep it cool enough i get it pretty close to canopy, around 10inches. But still a 400 doesn't have that deep penetration power. So unless i get bud site to canopy it will end up as popcorn. If i grew less plants in that space i could train them out to get better penetration of light, but personally i prefer more plants for variety sakes. Also about to add a 400watt ceramic metal halide, and really give them the complete useful spectrum i can.
It will always end up being a matter of preference really. What ends up working for you...
And 2 gallon isint a small pot size, especially when you look at what people are doing with coco, and dwc!!!
I also use a 1.5gallon ultra oxypot air pruning pot. And have grown out two beautiful little ladies in her. A sour crack that yielded 27 dried grams, and a Heisenberg special that produced 34 grams.
Unless im running photos, and keep transplanting up after root bind. I don't see us using anything bigger than the 2.75 gallon equivalent square pots. Which i really prefer...
So. Experiment with a few different sizes Rican
That would be great. I plan on only running 4 and will be stoked if they lean more towards medium in size.
I've ran out three Heisenberg special, and one almost finished at day 67.
But that's the only thing with 24carat that ive ran, besides sour crack that is, which we also have two of those at day 60 and finishing up themselves.
Anyway im certain that hitting that gg#4 with the grape crinkle amazing things are gonna happen. Which there are quite a few tests grows happening here on afn, still a little early on to see just how amazing the ggg#4 is gonna be on her own yet. Im sure that bringing 24carat to the party im sure will only have positive consequences lol...
And i can see them producing some chunky nugs from it. Might not be the biggest plant sizes stature speaking, but can imagine some just super dense hard bushes that even being shorter more compact plants, being just filled with solid buds.
One thing is we are excited to see.
At day five, they are doing just fine.
Some flash for y'all lol...
My last Heisenberg Special that i had going out of the three.
She is the biggest of the three. Biggest cola I've ever grown. Shes still got some time.
Is getting Cyco Kleanse until finish.
It really helps the plant cycle through the excess nutrients, and brakes down salts, opposed to just using water to finish.


Other news..
I've had to make a little support for my 6day old mbap.
As i turned on lights this morning i seen her almost lying down. But her head was still facing upwards. So i made a little brace so to speak. And a crossing fingers. Also soaked and planted another mbap seed. Hopefully best case scenario we end up with two mbap, which is a problem i could handle lol.
Fingers crossed...
Just move some of the soil up around her base like a pyramid, it will hold her up till she gets stronger.
She's still holding on lol. And still growing actually.
The 3bog i just ran out acted very peculiar in seedling, young plant stage until around day 14-18.
Then just took off though lol.
Replanted mbap anyway.
Hopefully will just end up with two....
Day 7 for 2 x Gold Glue, 1 x Sour Stomper, 1 x mbap..
Day 4 for 1 x Sour Stomper, and 1 x Sourhound x N.C.H.
The gold glues are really looking good at day 7.
The sour stomper at day 7 is looking nice, the one at day 4 is looking exactly how sister did. Seems to be a slimmer leafed lady so far anyhow.
The Sourhound x n.c.h is looking good for day 4.
Still little concerned over 7 day mbap, but still standing, and has biggest leaves out of the six lol.
They got 180 ml of ro water with great white Mycorrhizae this morning.
Also gave the mbap a little floralicious plus yesterday, which could explain why she is still standing. Here is mbap and a group shot